Building the RK&M III: The Mountain


Jeffs_Railroad said:
1) I have been noticing that most everyone uses what appears to be building foam. When I attended the train show in Springfield, MA last year they built their mountains using form to form the tunnel and then rolled up newspaper to sculpture the remaining mounds. Then they placed sheets of newspaper over the mounds and wet the paper with a sprayer to see if they got the desire shape. I would appreciate knowing if there is an advantage to using foam as you did and sculpturing the mountain vs. rolled up newspaper?

Tom did a good job answering this. I would also add that for me the building foam is easier to get than the Woodland Scenincs foam. Also for the amount I need it is cheaper. And lastly it comes in the big sizes I need.

Jeffs_Railroad said:
2) When developing rocks you sculptured them. Are there advantages and more realism to sculpturing the rocks vs. using aluminum to make the rocks?

I did not sculpt the rocks. I used Scuplta-Mold and placed it in the general shape of the rock. I then used aluminum foil over the Sculpta-Mold to shape the rock. I am not good at sculpting. Also with the amount of rocks I was doing it was quicker and easier. I will sculpt things like mortar lines into walls, however.

Jeffs_Railroad said:
3) Tunnel Portal, here I probably missed the boat. How and what did you use to fill the gaps between your mountain and portal?

I used Scuplta-Mold. I placed it with a putty knife or my fingers.

Jeffs_Railroad said:
4) Weathering is a bit scary to me. When you weathered the tracks, you painted them and then cleaned them. Painting seemed easy but how did you clean them? Especially the switch tracks?

As I painted the ties and rail I cleaned them. I used either a paper towel or my finger/thumb. After the paint dried I lightly went over the rails with a piece of fine sandpaper.
Tom -

On another thread, someone is having problems with plaster cloth (which contains hydrocal, I think?) not sticking to the blue building styrofoam.

Have you had any problems along these lines with your POP, and if so what did you do ???

Great work, BTW !!!

I really appreciate you sharing your techniques with us - especially since I'm about to start some of this work myself.

It's a wonderful on-line manual !!!

Thanks George!

When I started out I used the plaster cloth but it is too expensive for the amount I need. I do remember not being thrilled with it. Off the top of my head I don't remember why. I think it had to do with how much I had to use to get a strong base to hardshell.

I have not had a sticking issue with the paper towels and the "wet" POP I have been using. My olnly problem with it is the mess.
Next I added some Woodland Scenics Coarse Turf to the Mountain.



looking great!....I really like the formation of the land where you are putting the houses...looks so right! Everything is top notch:thumb: :thumb:
Thanks guys!

wickman said:
The smooth it looks real good for roads. Would you use the smooth it for dirt roads or would that be a waste?:wave:

I am not sure. In the past I have used WS turf, usually Soil or Earth for my dirt roads. I guess you could use it. You may have to texture it some.

I know some folks use Dura-putty or at least that what I think it is called for their dirt roads. They put the putty down and then color it.
Would you use the smooth it for dirt roads or would that be a waste?

I've seen the WS gravel and soil used for dirt roads as well, but somehow it hasn't looked right to my eyes. I used a brown gravel for a road surface but the particles seem too large somehow. So I'd be inclined to use a smooth surface material like spackle, then dabbed with a wet sponge to give it just a little texture then let color do the rest. The lightweight spackle I've used for a scenic base will dry to the same color it is when wet, when acrylic craft paint is used to color it.

Lookin' good Tom! How are you going to color your roads?


ocalicreek said:
How are you going to color your roads?

I will use craft paints. I will start with a dark gray for the whole road. I then will drybrush various shades of gray and/or black over the road high-lighting the wheel paths. I will work from dark to light.

For the yellow lines and whites lines I will use paint pens.
That tunnel portal looks awesome:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: ....may I ask what steps you take to get your ground cover to stick to vertical surfaces? I'm doing it myself but it ain't easy! I was hoping you had a better way
Hi Tom,
Really enjoying following your progress. Learning some good stuff.

FYI, I have started my urban layout, since I do not have a digital camera, I am taking pictures as I go, and will have them made to digital to post for the group.

Take care,

Nazgul said:
may I ask what steps you take to get your ground cover to stick to vertical surfaces? I'm doing it myself but it ain't easy! I was hoping you had a better way

I am using Woodland Scenics Foliage. It is like a netting that you stretch out to cover the area you want. It works great for vertical spots and as a vine. It comes in four colors:
Light Green
Medium Green
Dark Green
Conifer Green
