Building Curved Backdrops

Billybob Reuben

New Member
Jan 1, 2002
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What do the experts use to make those nice smooth curved backdrops you see on layouts in the magazines? I think 1/4" plywood is too stiff to curve around a corner like that. What other materials can be used for that? Also, are there any magazine articles available that specifically cover the building and painting of backdrops? I need to put distance mountain scenery behind half my layout and I am no artist! Can anyone give me any ideas?
BBR - You might try masonite, thin aluminum used for flashing, vinyl flooring (linoleum), or plastic (styrene?) sheets. I guess whatever it is should be bendable, paintable and available in big enough pieces. Strength isn't that important, you can always reinforce it from the back.
On my layout, the backdrops were made from Hardboard, if you soak the piece you require to be curved in water for around 1/2 hour, it will curve without breaking.
I believe your memory is serving you very well! :)

While I'm on this thread, I'm going to put in my nomination for my favorite new backdrop material - vinyl flooring.
I used it for the first time on my most recent project, & I love the stuff!
I always used masonite before, & while I do like it, it requires joint compound, & sanding to eliminate the seams.
Vinyl flooring, on the other hand, can be gotten in very long pieces, & can be cut to fit with a utility knife. It's very flexible, takes paint well, & in my case, was very cheap, because I bought a damaged remnant. (you use the back, or bottom side, not the top, patterned floor surface) I got a piece 48" wide, & about 20' long for $10 at Home Depot.