building a saw mill


Call me Mr.Tinkertrain
Dec 12, 2006
hey everybody,i have yet another project on my long list og things to building the lilliput logger as you've seen in my other thread and i have no blueprnts or diagrams or even good pictures of any of the mahinery :confused:.i have all the basics planned out.ill have the de-barker,the log caraige and accompanying band saw,edger and finally cut-off saw.but im thinking of scratchbuilding these and have no plans wall1.any help would be greatly appreciated.TIA.--josh
thanks kurt,i have tried gogle and thats when i resorted to asking for ans or pics from anyone.but when i did do my searching on google non showed a diagram or good description of it.but most of my results were of the wrong type.the bandsaw's like yours were comng up.i meant a bandsaw for cutting timbers approx. 8ft in diameter.not to shoot you down but the one you show is i belive for metal work.i dont think it could cut a 40ft long log! :mrgreen: .thanks.--josh
I'm building the JV models sawmill as in my thread along with the interior machinery. It's probably smaller than your project but it will give you an idea.
Also Keystone makes a bandsaw kit as well as many other sawmill parts.
I'm building the JV models sawmill as in my thread along with the interior machinery. It's probably smaller than your project but it will give you an idea.
Also Keystone makes a bandsaw kit as well as many other sawmill parts.

ill check out your work glen,mine is a scale 200ft by 60ft so i think it is a little bigger,but im not sure.ill check out KLW too.thanks.--josh
Try Is ue it all the time to look up some very esoteric stuff, and they always come through.
Try Is ue it all the time to look up some very esoteric stuff, and they always come through.

thanks for responding MM,it doesnt look like there are many logging modelers are left on here! ill try i just kinda forgot about and used nothing but google :p.half the time google is wrong anyway.rlundy gave me some plans for all the machinery :thumb: and i started to design the inside of my mill.the building itself is almost completed but i havent even started on the inside yet :cry:.anyway,here it is.
since i havent updated my thread ina while,and rlundy is starting his i thought id join in on the fun first i made the mistake of jumping in to quickly and not pre-staining the wood,but ill just try and do it at a later date and try not to warp the hell outa it.
the first shot is an overall,the side with all the supports is the outter wall,facing the veiwer,since i plan to expaned it someday,i made the opposite wall a main beam so i can extend it off the other side later.
heres another veiw,i havent added the floor joist,just the main beams so i could get started on the walls.i plan to also add another laevel extending half the length.
and finally a veiw of the end truss,its extra bracing is to use as a place to glue the planking,wich is common on all trusses in barns,sheds,etc.--josh
Looking good man. That is a really ambitious looking project. I will be following your progress with great interest as I am now in the throes of figuring out what I want to do for a sawmill. I doubt I will do the interior detail you are doing but rather will concentrate on outside detail (pipes etc.). Keep us posted; there are still a few with logging interests on here.
Question: what is the flow through the diagram you posted?
Stump 7
Looking good man. That is a really ambitious looking project. I will be following your progress with great interest as I am now in the throes of figuring out what I want to do for a sawmill. I doubt I will do the interior detail you are doing but rather will concentrate on outside detail (pipes etc.). Keep us posted; there are still a few with logging interests on here.
Question: what is the flow through the diagram you posted?
Stump 7

thnaks for responding stump7! i thought this was a lost cause over here! :mrgreen:.and im proud and suprised someones following my progress for a guide usually its the other way round for the interior i think its the most fun part,as you get to see a fully working mill not just another backdrop structure,i feel the inner workings give the mill purpose.
i did get a little farther on it.the whole thing is stained with the second level joists in place and the outer wall planking started.ill post some pics tonight hopefully :thumb:.

and about the diagram heres the flow from timber to lumber: first logs are dumped into my log pond way out of the veiw by the jill poke (not shown),then the logs are positioned by pond monkies into position next to the log lift which is a revolving chain with hooks to take the logs up the ramp and in front of the de-barker,the logs are rolled on moving rollers into the debarker where spinning blades rip the bark off.the de-barked logs are then set until needed on the log deck.from the deckt eh logs roll onto the carriage and held in place with hooks as the log is passed through the bandsaw cutting off slabs,these slabs fall onto the rollers and are rolled into the edgermans hand and sent though the edger where they are ripped to specific widths,those ripped boards then pass through the gang trimmer with individually controlled cutting blades that cut timber to a predetermined length.finally the lumber is passed on rollers to the sorting table and out the door.but thers another procedure also,the logs on the carriage can be cut into lumber of a longer length and gurth (for making masts in such) and sent to the timber saw which can cut the large lumber at 50ft or so and then fo onto the sorting table and lifted out on gantry to a waiting flatcar.
"wooh" that was alot of typing! hope you like this presentation :mrgreen:.thanks.--josh
Lookin real good there Josh.Looks like it is going to be a good size. Nice to see someone taking on a challenging build. Are you going to be adding any other buildings besides the main on, like a power house kiln or planing mill? The nice thing about sawmills is that you can do as much or as little as you want. Ron.
Lookin real good there Josh.Looks like it is going to be a good size. Nice to see someone taking on a challenging build. Are you going to be adding any other buildings besides the main on, like a power house kiln or planing mill? The nice thing about sawmills is that you can do as much or as little as you want. Ron.

thanks for taking the time to respond ron,i feel like this build is about as challenging as my skills could take me at the moment :mrgreen:.heck if something is cut wrong or odd shape ill just say its rustic,it was meant to be that way...:twisted:.the only other building ill add is either a planing mill/storage house and a chipper with "maybe" a small power house or a flat with a loader.and your correct,it can be small or HUGE! but it may be small in HO but the main building is something like 60ft by 200ft in i dont know bout you but i feel its a pretty big operation! :rolleyes:.--josh
heres some cleare more updated pics ron,i ran outta .25 by .25 balsa so the joist on the lower level arent done and the joist above those are for the second level.well heres a pictorial of my sloooow progress :mrgreen:.--josh