Bench Work Completed


New Member
Bench Work Complete

Finaly,the new bench is up and ready tobe a new home for the JBRR,Co.
So in a nutshell here is the dimensions of the new platform.

4'x8' then widening to 6'x 32' this going east to west a total of 40' WOW......:mrgreen:.Then running to the north off the 4'x8' section is a 4'x4' section.

The plan is as follows,4'x4' will be the roundhouse,maintanace area,

4'x8' industrial,6'x32' the town then blending into a
mountain side with heavy forest,and the timber and logging industry.
Well thats it for now,got to get ready for work,
As alway's be safe.


New Member
pictures to follow


Replying to your request for pictures of the bench work and layout in progress will come,I promise you that...As soon as I find the blasted camera in one of the 91 box's of rail material I have to go threw...

Ralph's for fun!
That's great Mike! Keep us up to date! Now that you've promised us pics we're going to hound you! :)


New Member
Pictures on the way.

After a 12 hour shift,I came home from work and was bound and determined to find the blasted camera.:thumb: Box 56 out of 91 was were I packed it,nice and secure.After only about 45 minutes of now were did I put the blasted thing,I found it.Now as promised I will take some pics,of what I have accomplished so far,but first some beauty sleep.....sign1
It is 12:30 am and I need all the help I can muster :eek:
I was told a long time ago I do have a face for radio:mrgreen:.

So sometime tommorow I will be posting the pics as promised.But right now its beddy by time:sleeping:.
Till next time,be safe.....