Battleship Bismarck

I'm just amazed by this build - the workmanship is beyond superb.

I have a question though which is a bit off topic. I notice that the turrets on the Bismark were riveted. This form of construction was gradually abandoned in tanks after experience in the Spanish civil war showed that non-penetrating hits could shear a rivet head off with the inner part of the rivet bouncing around the vehicle injuring or killing the crew. Could one of the group's naval buffs comment on why this construction method was retained on what was, at the time (1940), the most modern battleship.


That rocks, Scorpio ! 8)

I must confess, you had me a lttile worried with those couch pcitures. I had nightmare visions of your Grandma flopping down on the couch to rest her bones or something.

"Nein, Oma !! Nicht sitzen da !!!" :shock: :shock:
"O, Gott !!" :cry: :cry:

Absolutely amazing. I also had fears of a pet or relative accidently sitting on your masterpiece. There is probably no place safe enough to keep it without worrying. Beautiful model, Scorpio. I look forward to more pictures.
Hello friends,

Today one of two 150 mms of towers with rangefinder.

I have no grandmother, therefore, for the model nothing happens.


I have passed on your question if I receive the answer, I put them immediately here purely.

With the best greetings
Outstanding, Scorpio!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
At least this time you didn't put her on the couch for photos...or did you? :wink:
I was wondering what that second model was in the background...another Bismark?
Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful photos of an amazing modeling effort!! :D
Hi Scorpio

Keep the postting, I'am learning all the time .
Its to late to use some of your tips in the Yamato (bulls yes ect) but I have been playing with the idea of building her again in it's 1943 state.
I have tried some of the tips and thier great.

your ship is not a model it's an art work in the making.


The execution is fantastic and the design is the best I have seen. finally beats even Zio's twin flak (although that was 1/400)

Rigging Rob seems to have the answer.

I started playing tonight by putting a blob of UHU glue on one finger then pulling it with a finger on the other hand its messy but I seem to remember it works for fine rigging like 1/250 aircraft.

Hi Scorpio

I need a info from the Teatcher :?:

When you have finished a section of your work, do you paint it as if it is a plastic model (all of it) or just touch it up. It may be the poor printer have, but the finish you have is outstanding. My kids keep asking me if it is real.
The tip for the scuttles works great, I'am well impressed. I have been bending wire round drill bits for hours.
Give up your day job and build models for a living.
Any more tips and pics please :?:


Hi, friends,
Because I had more time today a little bit, I have to all 10.5 cms of anti-aircraft
A little bit refines. I have done all changes on the basis of original photo.

What I have changed, one sees on the photo
