b5 - EA - Omega Destroyer

Engine mount additional images.



Rear view. Note that the central divider between the engines are joined together in the center. The bowed out sections of the dividers face outwards.

The top and bottom sections were colored in with a black marker. Recommend to anyone building this model that the top and bottom sections could look better with another panel on top.

Also don't forget to color in the inside portions of the rectangular and overlapping side engine covers BEFORE you attach them to the model.

I hope this helps everyone out.

Sky Seeker
Model fully assembled.

Central "rotating" section and forward bow section attached.

Forward view.

Side view



This one was taken just for the fun of it and to get you the idea of just how big this model is in comparison to the Defender.

This model is supposed to have 12 turrets attached, however the design needs to be retooled. It's basically a piece of paper folded in half. So until another design is done, this model will remain turret-less for the time being.

I might do some additions in the future. This model is NOT for a beginning novice. Some redesign of the parts are required to make the model work. Areas for redesign - engines, buffer ring sections, top and bottom engine covers, and the turrets. Also, a cover for the docking bay in the front could be added, maybe with a starfury taking off!

Overall, It's a nice fun quick build. Good way to clear the mind for greebling, with LOTS of little cuts on parts for the Defender.

Sky Seeker
I don't want this to sound weird, but can you post detailed pics of your aft section there please? I can figure out the pieces.


That request is not weird at all! In fact the model is pretty esoteric when it comes to directions. There were a lot of questions on how it was to go together so I just guessed on what needed to be done. I hope you enjoy the version of "guessing" I've presented here. So no problem at all.

I'm not trying to go for a master build here. That is for the experts such as Lepaj. My level of experience is not even close. I don't know if I have the piece of mind to do a model over a two year period. This is just for fun. If we can take an OK model and turn it into a GREAT model with a few additions I'm on board with that.

I'm looking forward to seeing your version of the Omega model.

Have a great day!

Sky Seeker
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Even though I like the B-5 series, I have yet to make one of their models. By the way, do not forget to color or shade in the white edges. Thanks for sharing and continue with your great build thread.


That's no problem in fact I've taken your suggestion to heart and have colored the white edges.

Thanks for stopping on by and for the suggestions.

Sky Seeker
Sly seeker, great thread!! If you open a .PDO, you can copy each p[age to the "Clipboard", and retrieve it using Paint, or, even better XNView. You can save it in any format you wish. :)
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I got a free converter that works very well on cnet downloads.com. im surprised and very pleased with how it works too!
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I started this model but my son was eight and he played with every section, and at that age, three mintues, it's destroyed! Maybe time to do it again, but combine some of Lepaj's detailing. You are doing a great job, it is not as simple as it may seem.....! ;)
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I started this model but my son was eight and he played with every section, and at that age, three mintues, it's destroyed! Maybe time to do it again, but combine some of Lepaj's detailing. You are doing a great job, it is not as simple as it may seem.....! ;)

Z - Thanks for stopping on by! I agree that more detailing could be done on the EA Omega Destroyer once I come up with a decent design for the turrets and some outer additional features. I think that I need to redo part of the engine assembly. All of that will have to wait until the greebling for the Defender is done. Some of the smaller cuts for the surface features which were initially hard to start out with are (sort of) getting easier. I might apply some of what was learned with the Defender to this model one day.

The portion that looks the hardest to do (the center section) actually wasn't bad at all. Trying to make sure everything was centered and re-designing some of the parts - that was the hard part.

I concur about the child portion - kids and cats and models don't do too well together.

Thanks for the advice and praise master builder!

Sky Seeker
Hi Sky Seeker,

nic build. The Omega Destroyer looks beautiful.

Greetings from Germany


Thanks for stopping on by and your kind comments.

Danke für den Besuch auf durch und Ihre freundlichen Kommentare.

Greetings from the States!

Sky Seeker