Awsome picture of Isabel from a ship


Amazing shot Chris! Although I've read that ships are actually much safer at sea than in port during hurricanes, I wouldn't want to be on that ship either, thank-you very much!!!

BTW, where did you find that pic? Are there any more?

Wow, this is really an eerie bunch of clouds rolling in. I guess on mainland you would expect a Tornado licking down any time now. :eek: This one could perhaps develop some waterspouts, too.

And in this case I'd definitely prefer to sit before my computer. :D :D :D

Great shot, thank you Chris!

That is one awsome picture! I've been overtaken by a huricane at sea, I've never seen anything like that! Hope all those hatches are well battened down, or that vessel will do a great one time imitation of a submarine!
Now, where's my life jacket?
A friend of mine sent me this same picture and it does look impressive. Then the cynical side of me took over and I began really looking at it. First note the wake from the bow of the ship, at least I assume that is the bow. Either that or they are heading towards the storm in full reverse! The other thing that caught my eye is how well defined the storm wall is. If the storm wall completely encircled the ship I could probably believe that it was in the eye of the storm. Also the blue sky that can be seen through the puffy white clouds at the top of and in the background of the photo don't look right. The news said that Irene was over 500 miles across. Also, if you look at the clouds they seem to be turning CCW, where it seems that most hurricanes travel in a CW direction. Now granted, we don't get many hurricanes up here in central Oregon, but something just didn't look right. Bottom line is I've seen too many "doctored" photos floating around the internet and this one is pushing my "cynic" button like mad. Just call me a spoil sport. :D
This photo was shown on the Weather Channel. All of the "experts" agreed that it was a well done digital alteration. Hurricanes do not have a well defined outer cloud wall. The eye wall may look like that, but not the leading edges. The sea is also extremely calm for being right at the edge of a Category 4 or 5 hurricane. Swells were running at about 15 to 20 feet ahead of the storm

I've been overtaken by a huricane at sea, I've never seen anything like that!
Thanks for opening that can of worms for me. And No, the eye wall doesn't look like that either, there were NO clouds in the eye I was out swimming in, just the most beautiful dark blue, clear, see the stars in broad daylight, sky I've ever seen. All the dust,pollution, and moisture had been swept clean by the energy of the storm.
The sky thickens, and the seas build long before the actual edge of the huricane, but once in the storm, the sea "looks" calm, because the wind is blowing the water from wave top to wave top. It's kind of like watching the special effects from "Twister", while riding the wildest roller coaster ever built.
The sea is the most beautiful misstress a sailor can know, but when she has a bad hair day, she'll turn dark and cold, and throw mountains at you.
The soul that rides the sea's rage, knows God!
AAAAAHHAAAAA!!!.....Some "Photo Magic".... Could it be our pal Shamus be behind this:D

Blow the pic up a few 100's % and you can see where the clouds were cropped from another pic:eek: :D


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