Adding interiors to Con-Cor 85' streamlined passenger cars


New Member
Jun 16, 2004
San Diego, California
I want to upgrade my 85' Con-Cor Streamlined Passenger cars with interiors. The only kits I could find at my local Hobby Stores were the IHC ones, so I picked up one for the Vista Dome CAr IHC #20157. When I inspected the kit at home I found out that there is no provision for seating in the dome portion of the car, just the main floor. Since Con-Cor does not have a second level either in the dome portion, I was hoping someone would have an easy fix or solution.
I don't have a direct solution but a couple of ideas.... Post a specific thread in the buy/sell/trade section to see if someone has an old similar car that is unuseable but for some reason or other still has an intact interior. OR, look on Ebay for the same type solution. Could be worth a try. If you could find something similar, it could probably be "bashed" to fit.
Vista Dome Interiors

There is a possible solution. Bachmann produces a full length vista dome car which they called the 85' passenger coach for the Auto Train, part number 1252. It comes complete with full up and down seating. The beauty of this car is that it comes with enough vista dome seating to accomodate at least two Concor vista dome cars.

Good luck!
How about this: cut the main floor seating, under the dome, use this to fill in the dome area. You may need to do a little with the vacant area on the main floor, but it will not be nearly as difficult as fixing the dome.
On my Con-Cor passenger cars, I used a combination of things. I got a IHC interior kit for a Rivarossi dome car, but found it didn't fit. I cut out the upper dome seating area and installed that in the dome and filled the dome with people. I painted shades drawn in the area under the dome where I didn't have room to model an interior. At both ends of the car, I used styrene sheet to model bulkheads and I used Pikestuff coach seats. In fact I bought a few packages of the Pikestuff seats and used styrene to add arms. When I wanted to make a single seat, I cut the Pikestuff seat in half, and put styrene arms on either side. In the dining car, a piece of styrene cut to shape and glued to the laps of diners sitting in my converted Pikestuff chairs, makes a believable dining table. Most passenger car windows are small enough, that a view block to keep you from looking all the way across the car, and a few chairs to simulate roomettes with a few passngers either sitting, or with legs cut off to simulate seating will look good.
I checked and found that I DO have a dome section seating insert. It's yours if you want it for the cost of shipping.

Thanks guys for the ideas.

I checked with a larger LHS in Los Angeles. Allied Model Trains, when I was up that way last week They were clearing out their IHC interior kits, not going to stock them anymore. Said the advent of the new RTR passenger cars with all sorts of interior goodies made these kits very,very, very slowwww movers. I was able to find a couple of the IHC Vista Dome kits in the "sale box'" so I added those to my kit assortment.

I did compare the Pikestuf seats Russ mentioned with those Allied had from Precision Scale and liked Precision's more so I bought a set to try them out. I was also told of interior kits from Palace Car Co. but Allied didn't carry them. Guess that will be an Internet transaction. Also ran into a dead end on the Bachman Auto Train Car at Allied.

It looks like this is going to be a little more complicated than I'd hoped for.

Tom, I'll definitely take you up on that offer on the dome section seating insert. Send me an email where to send the monies to and I'll get that off right away!

And again, thanks for the ideas.

Hi George,

My email address is Tell me where to send the dome seating section, and I'll get it into the mail. Shipping should be very inexpensive; you can pay me when you get the part.

Best wishes,
