Aces of Ecardmodels P-51B Lambie II dual build plus engine and cockpit


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2006
Sun Prairie WI
Its time to get this ball rolling :) all supplies on hand - I will likely do some painting experimenting along the way so might be a bit slow to start. Cockpit will be first up but forgot to include it in the pics below :( anyhow - just to show you I am ready here are some opening shots!

This first pic shows the various prints - why so many you ask? The first is the standard card printout. The second is the metallic on Red River Silver. The third is just one page on glossy photo stock. This will be for the blue nose and nose cone only to maintain the shiny look of the metallic paper. The fourth is printed on standard 20lb paper and will be used for making pseudo decals on the metallic paper. These will be sprayed with Krylon gloss coat or something similar eventually. This also includes what I will be edge coloring with and a shot of the engine parts to show the expected detail level.

another angle to show the metallic vs standard

this shot shows the sheen differences a bit

closer shot of the engine parts.

should be cutting today!
Looking Good

Alright! Looks like you are going for the Gold. Is that the Merlin I see sitting there?
Ummm.... I know another guy who's eye's will be glued to this build... Not just me - BUT.... come on guys ????
OK - The proof is in the pudding they say :) Here are some pics with some commentary. I cut out everything round with my paper drill - thank goodness for that! Next steps and other mods I will be doing following the pics!

The main cockpit page pre cut

This is the radio box - please note there are TWO of them. This will be my first test. I am going to paint one after it glued and one before its glued to compare results.

Just showing a bunch of cut parts

Here is a shot of the instrument details - please note it looks much more uneven in the cut than it is.... darn macro....

Closeup of a couple levers I am going to paint up and possibly add another layer to the knobs for additional effect

Next steps -

1. cut out another instrument panel to overlay - I will cut out all the instruments so the ones behind look recessed. I will likely but some shiny scotch tape in there to simulate glass in front of the instruments.

2. Use Swampfox's color technique to find the right colors (this also entails learning how to use the guoache properly)

3. Test paint radio boxes

4. possibly scratchbuild a small cushion for the pilots seat - I dont quite understand the seat how it has a rather large curve on the front like there shold be a cushion in there.
Paper drill

I wish I didn't size up my models so much as this would be a very useful tool. However I do use a Graphtec cutter as I am more interersted in building then cutting paper. Do paper drills come in bigger models or just these little guys?
Looks like you have a lot of cutting to do! Good luck on the small parts! I'm interested to see how this turns out (I'm still new at this) and your techniques are quite intreaguing to me. Best of luck, and keep posting!