A Little "Brushing Up" On The 4 Sisters Branch


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
I was getting tired of the "bare wood" look of my tiny RR, so I painted the facia, valance, & "wing" boards black.
I thought it gave it a more finished look...(sorry I can't say the same for the scenery)...
Heck...now I'm thinkin' this thing woulda looked pretty good in the living room! :) (Ihave a feeling you guys would be easier to convince than my wife! ;) )
Here's a pic...(I know...I know...I need to work a little harder on that left end:rolleyes: )


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The branch is looking better and better! It's kinda cool that it's like a little oasis in the middle of the desert of the basement wall. Hey, that was a pun!

And I agree, it's ready for the living room! :)

Hello Charlie,

Geee, I'm impressed, AND my wife is impressed!! :) I might even get to have a layout in the livingroom yet!
You've sparked off a great idea for me. Considering that a "timesaver layout" can be built on a 6" deep shelf I figure a modified version can be very realistic on a 9" deep shelf.
What's the dims (h, d, l) of your module please?
I'd love to see a closeup of your layout ... any chance of you puting one in here?

I think your layout looks really great. Think I'll go and lay out rough trackwork right now to see the possibilities!:D
