A general comment from another newbie


Feb 15, 2002
Waiuku,New Zealand
Visit site
Am about to start on the new "life" and as a complete ignorant just wanted to say "Thank God" for the Gauge and all the wonderful detail that there is to be had in here. From just reading many of the postings I am learning SO much, but would warn you all that there will no doubt be many very basic questions still to be asked from this learner from Godszone.
In anticipation - thanks for your patience !
Welcome to the Gauge bobrien ! Ask away, someone here (probably not me:D) will know the answer. If not they can tell you were to get the info you need. Having visited many forums this is by far the most helpful and friendly. Being able to post pictures when you are trying to show someone how to do something (or for any other reason) is a neat feature the other forums don't offer. Visit here often, ask a lot of questions then post pictures of your progess for everybody to enjoy!!!!
Hi and welcome bobrien,

We're always happy to see newcomers to the hobby. The early stages in a hobby can be most confusing and we all understand that. The scope of interests of the members here is such that somebody will have either specific answers to your questions or point you in the right direction.

Since I joined recently I've found the best group of modellers of any forum are in here, they are patient, have a good sense of humour and don't say derogative things about each other or products.

You just joined a great forum.

Welcome to the Gauge Bob, I read this forum for a long time before I started to join in. These guys know there model railroading and our more then willing to share there great knowledge to anyone. Just ask and someone will have the answer and if they don't they will find it and more.
Hello Bobrien,
I will make a flat assertion, in one never stops the learning process.

When I first started into the realms of Railroad Modelling, the knowledge I gained from watching other people work gave me much pleasure. The questions I asked, of these people I watched, must have run into the thousands. All were very helpful in putting up with this very young teenager who wanted a railroad for himself.

What I have learnt over these last 58 years of model railroading has given me much more pleasure than you could imagine.

Ask away

Um frum Sudnee end would like to wulcum ewe heah! Ut sims like we uz the only ones frum thus part uv the world. We wull be arble to talk un sucrut code, ay! :D

You know what these Yanks are like! Have no idea what we say unless it's spelt out for 'em! :p (Poms are OK but!!)

I just HAD to say that! :) :)

Yep... it's a good forum :cool: I've got lots of handy hints, and ideas from the others, plus being able to bounce some "how do I do that" things around.

Hope to see you around quite a bit!!

**coo-ee across "The Ditch"** Greetings to all in the "Land of the Long White Cloud" from those in the "Land of the Long Weekend"! :D
Thanks for the encouragement. Having been surrounded in my childhood with steam (my dad was a 40 year engineer and retired just as diesel electrics came online) it has taken me this long to get the time.
I know I will flounder about for a bit but with all the help from the people in here - the world is my oyster.

Kia ora bro !
Gee thanks mate. Just what I needed. A cobber who not only speaks my kind of tongue, but maybe someone who could even give me tips on how to get our rugby team back into world dominance.
Looked over your site and am in awe of your efforts. Mine will be much greener (it is to reflect NZ after all) and no doubt there will be a couple of sheep here and there.
Would be interested to know about the transfers (are they that?) that you have used on the pub. Or is it freestyle artwork. Pity about the beer though. VB isn't really the best is it?
Beauty ripper bonzer mate
(p.s. don't come the raw prawn with me and I'll give ya the drum...) :D
Hi Bruce, & welcome aboard!
I've been at this now for a few years, & I still find myself needing to ask "basic questions".
I've learned a lot from people on this forum...oldies and newbies!
Strewth Bruce. Nup. I made the VB sign after looking through some rags and scanning the ad logo's. Just resized 'em a bit, printed 'em out and stuck 'em on a stick and stuck it on the pub. I've got me HQ ute out the front of the pub though! Just need a cuppla koalas to stick up the gum tree now! :eek: And some kangaroos in the back paddock, so the kids can have something to ride to school! :D

Rugby? What happened to Jonah Lomu?? He'd make a pretty good dummy half, cause he's only five eighths there anyway!
I was Melbourne born & bred, so I'm a proper footy man. My fingers are firmly on the ball, not up the ocassional orifice, doing a degree in proctology! But then again, I don't go round shaggin' me best teammates wives in the dunny at parties! Oh.. the scandals!!

BTW.... You can't play cricket either! :p But you do make pretty good fairy tale movies!

22 times I crossed "The Ditch" one year. Mostly Wellington, but sometimes Auckland & Hamilton. I worked for a software company. And you know what the Yanks did? In the marketing material, they put:

"Buy XXXXX software!. The New Zealand Dairy Board uses XXXXXXX software to count their sheep!!!"
However, when it was all up and running, they did have cows that were 1/16th goat!

Anyway, back to trains. What are you going to model? Haast Pass should be a good one! Or Mt Egmont! You could just have a circle of track then, and pile all your junk in the middle! :D The Auckland/Wellington run goes past Mt Egmont, doesn't it?
Hey Bob, I had dinner with a former Springbok in Potschstroom, South Africa a short time ago. Had just had both knees replaced. Said something about the surgery being thanks to an All Black. That All Black guy must have been one tough son of a gun because this Springbok towered over me and I'm 6'3" and a svelt 240 pound or so!

Actually watch as much rugby as I had the chance while in South Africa as I found it a very interesting game. I'll be in NZ and then OZ in May/June next year, so maybe a chance to see some more.


Well I kinda figured you had done something like that with the VB sign, but thanks for the tip. As for the layout - am still in the deciding what to do bit, but will most likely be a 'stylised' version of a layout using someone else's layout (just am not clever enough to invent my own).
Will first off create on a 4' x 6' bed (bench already constructed using a 20mm particle board base) that will basically be an oval with spurs, but will allow for future extension (nodoubt the rest of the bloody workshop!). Your suggestion of a circle of track with the junk in the middle is pretty close to it actually.
I intend to recreate a couple of small farming towns and a sawmill, with maybe a few farms and forests in between - or at least something like that.
I refuse to start until I have all my designs in my head and on paper, so it will take a bit I reckon.
As for Jonah Lomu - nah, he's had his day I reckon. We need to change our style I think as the rest of the world plays our style of rugby so much better.
As for you being a Vic man (THAT explains the layout! Wondered why a NSW boy would be doing Vic rail..) when I lived in Brisbane I was firm supporter of Carlton (go the Blues) and until the Warriors came on the scene, followed the Roosters for league.
As for the cricket - crickey mate! We were doing so well against the Poms in the one dayers then lost the plot. Typical.

On the trains issue - really would be keen to be able to pick up a couple of the Holdens you have, so would appreciate info of where they are. My period will be early 60's just as the DE's came online over here. Have seen a couple of units from Austrains that could be adpated to NZR style.
Any other suggestions.
Cheers mate.


Hi Bob

As for the All Blacks - well despite what an Aussie will tell you, they are still rated as the team to beat by the rest of the world - even if the Aussies are current world champs.
But we have always bred BIG footballers down here. Just a pity some of them can't play.
And if you want to see big - check out a guy called Jonah Lomu. He is HUGE. One man you wouldn't want a disagreement with.
New Zealand is a rugby mad country and just about everybody here follows the game to some degree or another.
Final note on the All Black/Springbok games - those two teams ALWAYS play each other to kill. So it is no wonder there are injuries.
Like you, I am over 6' (only a bit lighter at around 195 pounds) and there is NO WAY you would get me in a game with those guys. Besides I am way to old now .
Hi Bobrien:
I think you'll find a lot of good information and people here on the gauge. Check out the archives. I did and made a jam-up control panel for my s-gauge yard modules. If you model the large stuff, like S-gauge, you just have to look a little harder, or ask MORE questions, or check a few other boards, for those specific things. The wealth of general modelling knowledge here is great.

Can't wait to see your Hobbit village on your layout. Do all NZ'ers have hairy feet?

Hey Ted (TR Flyer)
Thanks for the welcome and congratulations on being all growed up. Me, I just want to stay a 'junior' - that way no-one will expect too much of me.
As for the Hobbits - seen a few around but didn't get to spot their feet. Mine aren't hairy but I think my wife needs to start shaving hers maybe.