3rd build, SB Yamato, EDF Andromeda


New Member
Oct 9, 2011
Winnipeg, Manitoba
For my third build I'm progressively building bigger and more challenging ships for my fleet and this next build certainly fits that description. The Earth Defense Fleet's battleship 'Andromeda'. At 88 pieces, this massive and powerful ship when completed will bring her length to a whopping 1 foot from bow to stern... that's right folks, now dealing in feet here not inches anymore :p


This time i made sure to do printing right, as i only printed these 3 sheets out 1 time, also this uses up the last of my cyan i believe and my black is almost ready to sprout an exclamation mark in the notification area of my printer. A "thank you" to Zathros for his post in another thread regarding inkproducts.com as this site will save me quite a bit and allow me to enjoy my new hobby to the fullest. http://www.inkproducts.com/ink-store441/product.php?productid=457&cat=3&page=1


Special thanks to Thunderchild for providing me with the plans for this fascinating model, I'm guessing they only came with the model cause I could not find them anywhere and I did a great deal of looking before making a request for them, while the model did not look to incredibly difficult there are a few areas that looked puzzling without the instructions to do so.


No pics of the cuts yet, im taking as steady a time as i can with the cuts using my metal ruler on nearly all straight edges and at 88 pieces this will take a while to cut, im nearly done cutting all the pieces off sheet 'Parts A' as that sheet has the most, and before you ask Rhaven Black, yes this time I'm scoring before cutting :thumb: minus the scoring that needs to be done to the unprinted side, that scoring I will do later.

One last mention, My vacation is over and I go back to my 2nd, more time consuming job Sunday, meaning less time to do papercraft :cry: perhaps this will add more anticipation to seeing the build as it progresses slowly as opposed to starting then posting the finished product the next day :p see you all soon.

EDIT: ok heres a quick pic of my progress so far, more to come soon :thumb:

For my third build I'm progressively building bigger and more challenging ships for my fleet and this next build certainly fits that description. The Earth Defense Fleet's battleship 'Andromeda'. At 88 pieces, this massive and powerful ship when completed will bring her length to a whopping 1 foot from bow to stern... that's right folks, now dealing in feet here not inches anymore :p

BIGGER is better! Looking good.
Alright, all 88 pieces of the hull have been finally scored and cut out, nearly all the scoring is done except in a few places i was not sure including the reverse side.


Instead of forming all the pieces first I will form them as i need them, as you may have noticed the instructions provided by Thunderchild do not show a drawing of the 3 sheets with letters and numbers so you know which pieces go where, not just the drawing of the pieces, look at the instructions of my first 2 builds in case I'm confusing you.

Ill try to keep this build as informative and as easy to follow as i can so as to help others trying to build this model as well.

Thanks for your support and interest everyone, just knowing your all following my builds drives me to put my all into it and create the best models that I can build. laterz.
You have completed one of the most daunting tasks of paper modelling, cutting the parts out. That's a great start. I look forward to your build! :)
The only other suggestion that I can make would be to only cut out the parts you need as you build the model. that way, if (gods forbid) something happens, you will not lose or misplace any parts. The only reason I mention this, is because it happened to me a few times and I have to reprint the parts sheet that had the part/s that I needed.

I do wish you the best of luck with this build and I will be watching it closely.
Good idea Rhaven Blaack, i almost lost one of the guns cannons last week when counting all the pieces for my last post on how many pieces their were. :yep:

OK, so here is some work i finally have done on my newest build, here goes: :thumb:
As you can see this is the main hull with most of the scoring and gluing done to form it, also depicted is the upper portion of the main hull, so far i hadn't encountered any problems.


Their was a long blank peice that was suppose to go in between the main hull and the upper hull peices pictured ablve, this peice was to be glues to the 2 protruding intakes in the bow of the main hull, this piece is also intended as a point where the lower portion of the hull, which slides in between the 2 intakes from below is to be glued to, this was unknown to me which let to a mistake during the build, surprisingly the same mistake i copied from my 2nd build (at this point some of you are going "Ahhh, I know what hes talking about, tsk tsk.")


The long blank peice unglued to the 2 protruding intakes, these were quite tricky to get in, but nitice that the intakes are not equally built, some angles are longer than others, if you are attempting to build this, try to place the intakes inside to get a feel for it before gluing to avoid serious problems, fortunitly i withheld glueing till i knew how it was to fit.


This is the lower part of the bow i was talking about before that was suppose to slip between the 2 intakes and glue to the upper part of the hull, specifically the long white piece glued to the upper point of the 2 intakes, this is the beginning of my screw up.


there are 2 white 8 sided pieces that fold and are to add support to the the lower hull piece for added sturdiness, you can see them inside here.


This small drawing (should have taken a pic of it first before i glued it shut) shows the angle i glued the 2 supports at, it was glued this way to add a barrier for the thin long grey piece so that when gluing to the bottom of the piece it didn't fall into the model instead sit on the edge like it was suppose to.


And heres where i screwed up, gluing the 2 folded pieces to the bottom of the hull instead of the top... again :cry: (BTW, i really like "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" seen in background, i listen to them while building, I stream them from ctv.ca)


Yes this is NOT how its suppose to look, that center peice should be between the 2 intakes and the 2protruding grey peices should be connected to the lower parts of the intakes so that there is NO visible inside to the model, grrr...




So, i sliced the bugger open, rather carefully, unfortunately the flaps attached the the lower part were already glued to the lower hull and therefore got cut away from the piece seen dangling here.


Fixed! kinda, the lower 2 pieces are properly attached to the 2 intakes but the lower center piece i believe was to be more foreward, directly between the intake housing nacelles (how i did it, you can still see into the inside of the model, this is incorrect, but its already glued inside, irreversible now) this center peice is also to allow you to position the 2 intakes so they look uniform and level when looking at the model head on, you'll noitice what im talking about if you build this model. btw, there dosent seem to be a peice to attach to the underside of the most forward protruding point of the bow. very odd.


Next comes the aft section between the engine and the main hull, there was one point that had no flap to connect the 2 sides together so i made one to complete it, no probs.


Here it is attached to the aft section of the main hull.


The engine piece i could not figure out from all the pics i looked at, the piece on the sheet when cut out is to big to glue to the end without cutting 2 sections off it, those 2 pieces are directly below the glued on engine, also the engine piece itself was twice as long as displayed on any picture, model, or drawing of any kind, so i cut that big piece off, you can see it laying at the end of the glued on engine.


This is the lower, main base of the superstructure, i believe due to the length difference (you can see it would be difficult to glue to a flat bas with how deeper the longer section is from the shorter forward section, i believe it was meant to be folded in, then on the lower line folded back so that it was a depressed part to the superstructure, i did not glue this part properly :cry:)


Superstructure upper or 3rd peice (not pictured is the piece between the bace and this piece)


So most of it gets folded into itself then folds onto the top of it (if you scratch your noggin and tilt your head at a 45 degree angle you'll see what i mean, it wasn't as difficult a superstructure to build as the first 2 models)


there are 2 slightly curved pieces that attach to either side of the superstructure then the outer flaps fold in on it completing the structure, uggg, is this making any sense!?


The completed and attached superstructure, all 3 pieces, the lower section of the top piece looks crocked i know (thinking of fixing that) but the reverse side looks straight.


And this is where it stands so far, next are the antenna, weapon systems, engines and a few wings and hull protrusions that need to be applied before she can undergo trial runs, considering that the plans that whoever uploaded with this model were hand drawn and less complete than the plans from my first 2 builds, im surprised this model looks as good as it does so far, not saying that it looks good, just that I'm surprised it doesn't look worse than it does.


Time for beddy buys, got an appointment to keep tomorrow but when i get back I'm gonna try to finish this, though time is short and i may not, we will have to wait and see.
You are doing a GREAT job on it It looks really good. Once I get the time to do so, I am going to give all three of these a go.
Keep up the GREAT work.
A little bit more done mainly to the forward sections of the ship, as I scan over pictures of the ship more and more i notice mistakes i have made, i think at the end i will do a video outlining the mistakes I've made in detail, from other pictures of this paper model I've notice others who have made similar mistakes to mine.

It looks really good to me. I don't know the subject well enough to point out any errors, but the lines seem great and you have a fine symmetry which can really show up if not right, no matter how well you know the details or not. That is one fine looking ship you have there.:thumb: