1701-E Bridge. Testbuild Diary

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Todays progress.

Apart from the viewscreen, the inner walls and floor is complete.

The glue is still a bit wet in places, so it may all just spring apart.

DSCF0039.jpg DSCF0040.jpg DSCF0041.jpg
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Looks really freat Paul, it looks amazing.

I've wondered from time to time if it was worth doing the bridge models. Seeing you build and enjoy these makes it all worth while.

Thank you. :)
Hey skip, you designed it. I'm only building it. You deserve the credit here.

I am enjoying making this one, it would be nice to have a side by side build to compare with. Come on guys, some else have a go at building it. I know it's a beta version, but it's been straight forward so far.
Thanks Paul. Though seeing it on my svreen as a mesh and then seeing it take shape as an actual model is something else. Kinda hard to believe that I did that you know?

You're doing a top notch job.
Now this looks like a fun build! Kudos, I love these interiors. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this.
Thanks Joe, ;)

I won't be doing more interiors for a while. I was going to do the 1701-A(ST:VI), but that's on hold for the forseeable. Too busy with other projects.
Thanks Joe, ;)

I won't be doing more interiors for a while. I was going to do the 1701-A(ST:VI), but that's on hold for the forseeable. Too busy with other projects.

Still it's beautimus work. I know Ron Caudillo was working on some TOS era interiors other than his already awesome bridge, but it seems he too has other projects.

I'm going to be getting back into CAD this Winter and hope to be able to make a few of my own 2D and 3D models, however, I think it's going to be awhile before I get to the 3D part.

Keep on Trekkin!
The inner walls are now finished. The viewscreen now fits ok (see photo).

Next up, outerwalls and I'm also starting on the consoles.

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Looks good Paul. The consoles are my favoruite part to this model. Those and the replicators. ;)
I have been looking at the photo above and I think I need to relay the lower level carpets. They look a different colour, stands out more in the photo though. I never noticed it on the actual model.
No can do. The graphics aren't mine for that part, I was cleared to use them for the model as the part would be so small it would be harmless(copyright issues). Though at 1/1 it would be big enough to get me into trouble with the creator.

It's just a box recess cut into the wall part anyway so it wouldn't be the most detailed of models.

Sorry buddy.
More bits.

A couple of consoles, the platform from in front of the viewscreen and a 'light unit'.

Sorry about the picture quality, camera to close to bits.

I've also started the tops of the inner walls, so that I can put the outer walls on. Still going well.

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Sorry, there has been no updates in the last couple of days. Been a bit busy with other things.

Skip, I am building the captains chair and I have a question. I have built the chair, the headrest and the armrests, part numbers 48. They are ready to be glued together, but what are parts 48d and 48e used for.

I will post somemore photos tomorrow.
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