1:50 Star Wars Astromech


Oct 5, 2009
Ontario, CA
Alternate title: "Why Tirick has not been working on the B-Wing"

I started designing this little guy in October (has it really been that long?), initially as a part of a planned (and yet unrealized) mod of Paper-Replika's ARC fighter. Like many of my projects it got shelved once I'd built a prototype. However, I got inspiration recently to texture these little guys. As my brain tends to avoid texturing (I am readily distracted once a project reaches the texturing point), I could not pass up the chance to finish a project, even it is is not the most anticipated. I'm not intending to release the variant Astromech units as of yet; rather I will release the R2 as a standalone (with various color schemes) and then add head variants and body-paint variants later.

Release is pending my site completion (and instructions). I plan on both 1:50 and 1:35 (textures are high enough quality I think) releases, despite the title of the subject.

Here are some shots of the prototypes next to the B-Wing and a rescaled (1:50) Snowspeeder:




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Nice little R2 units. Just what we need to finish off some models. Quick question, what programs are you using (texturing, model layout)?
I use Blender to create the 3d Models, GIMP to texture and Pepakura 2.1.7 for the unfold. I then use Open Office Writer to convert overscaled (typically 300-400% to get the full texture) .bmp files to .pdf.

I hope to assemble a few this weekend. Once I'm done I'll post pics!

Thank you,
The definitive R2 collection:


Well... mostly anyway. Couple of things to do before releases are available: write instructions, finish layout and figure out how to get my site's store to work (note these will be free). I hope to get that all done within a week or so.

impressive model of r2 are good friend and how you gave are luxury, congratulations, that is burning I love the fact you gave, thank you very much for the photos
little pals

great photos, and great variety
i enjoy much this collection of R2 units
Thank you! Alongside the STAP they are my favorite (of my designs).

The STAP (and B1/OOM) droids should be available 'soon' on my site. I have some redoing of the base and rearrangement of the .pdo files to bring them up to (and grandfather into) the Protagonist style.

Geez Sean, these are very well built, how come you have never shown them?

I actually downloaded these from the old star wars minis site before it went down but backed away after I saw how tiny the parts are. That is incredible!

Both the STAP and the B1's are 'old-tech'. I made them a few years ago (2007), just after my Paper Soldier line. In many respects they are like a Paper-Protagonist v0.5. Much of the design of the B1's inspired the revisionist iterations I made to get to the final Protagonist figurines available today. I'd not posted them up mostly as I had not really thought to.

I'll add them to my store site soon, and then likely make an announce thread here (and there) once they've been refreshed (I'll made both 1:50 and 1:35 files as with all of the TCF line). I'd originally made (and distributed them) at swminiatures.com, but only at 1:50 and with 1" bases (2" for the STAP) instead of the 2cm bases I now use.

O I did not realize your site is up and running. Looks like you put a lot of time into it. Awesome.
Just downloaded the astromechs file. This gives me incentive to finish the bits I have already made for my clone troopers.

On a side note, how do you find time to read all those web comics anyway? :)
Just downloaded the astromechs file. This gives me incentive to finish the bits I have already made for my clone troopers.

On a side note, how do you find time to read all those web comics anyway? :)

Well, I live on something like 4-5 hours sleep a night (and enough coffee to kill a horse).

Honestly, it doesn't take much time to 'keep up' but it did take a lot to get caught up, so to speak.


Now that I'm back from vacation I'll be working on getting some of these projects finished and uploaded.

Thank you for the comments!
say... i have been scouring the net for a battle droid for as long as i have been a paper modeler (about a week and a half). where in the world did you find them?!
;) uhm... I designed them.

They'll be up hopefully before the close of this weekend. 1:50 and 1:35 scale, with 1m (to scale) bases (previously they were only available in 1:50 and with 1" bases).
Well, I live on something like 4-5 hours sleep a night (and enough coffee to kill a horse).

LOL, it is good to be young, I need to get 8 hours a day or I am useless.

I always wondered how much more I can get done if I only need 6-7 hours of sleep a day.