1:16 Space Shuttle flight deck

One thing about flying small aircraft is that people make it seem like it's something really hard to do. It isn't if you are one of those people who can fly. Some people can't, just like some people cannot, and should not ride a motorcycle, but if you can drive a motorcycle, or even a bicycle well, you more than likely have what it takes to fly an small, General Aviation aircraft.

@Tonino, most schools offer a "Introductory" flight lesson, I highly recommend you go up, you will never forget it. Try to go up for an hour, to really get the feel. Ask around for a good Instructor, hard ass instructors are useless. ;)
:surprise: Everytime I see one of your posts I think, there is no way he could improve the quality even more and then...you do. This is an amazing project and your attention to detail is amazing.
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:D Thanks @SonOfAGun2501 !!! My only worry is that, eventually, very few of all this mess of details will be seen... (as you will see later...) :(

**EDIT**: I modified the post to show the photos now stored on Flickr... you should not see link anymore (I hope) **END**

Last weekend I played with some aft deck devices... so here are the two video monitors ...

a closer view

...and the aft timers

As I'm working without any 3D software I was afraid they could not fit togheter well so I tried a little mini-test build:

Don't look at graphics, I printed them in low resolution on regular paper, no edge coloring, no special care in closing joints, just a basic test fit.
The fis is not bad, after all, but I realized that the way I "unfolded" my pieces isn't optimal. Too hard to obtain a square shape. I'll try something different. I wanted to keep the inner space all open to be able to place a led light inside, but I'm still not sure if I really want to deal with the complete lighting of the whole flight deck... Still thinking about it...

And here is a little look to the upper aft console (I also wanted to test the joystick base on the left) with the monitors in their approximate position... perhaps... giant fingers permitting...

Now you should see the photos! :D
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I can not see images (Firefox user) only
Me neither. I went into your post and there are no links in it? :)
Sorry guys, I was afraid something like this could happen. I see the images within the post but, probably, this is because I am the owner of the Dropbox account so in my PC the link is automatically resolved as long as I'm logged in. I'll try to place "regular" links in the post, the ones supposed to be opened by any viewer. They will probably be showed as links and not as images but, at least, you'll be able to see the images. When the server problem will be gone I'll edit the post again...
I thought that might Happen too. Same thing happens when you post a link to a pic on Zealot, if the person isn't a member and logged in, they can't see the pic. It's the nature of the beast, as all sites want to protect the reason why people visit their sites. Site Hits determine their success. Until a better way is developed, a more heuristic way, the online sites will adhere to that archaic model. :)
I subscribed for a Flickr account to be able to link images until uploads are being fixed. Hope this way I'll be able to display easily images within the post.... this is a first try.

I did some other "mini test build" to verify the shapes of some newly designed little parts.

Here are the timers - version 2.0 - easier to keep square with a different unfolding choice...

Here is a dimensional test for the aft transational hand controller and MFD (don't look at textures and colors, they are not definitive)

and finally... the nicest one: a little IBM laptop for the STS134 astronauts. My preferred!

:D see you soon!
Absolutely mind-blowing! Every time I see these little switches I want to press on them to see what they do..! :)
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Last days I worked on the ceiling. Hard work, the upper side of the cabin is pretty complex and, from the photos is not easy to have a complete view.
This is my interpretation of shuttle flight deck ceiling:

Closer to the windows

...and even closer...

...and here is one of the details that most attracted my curiosity: what is stored inside those seven bags?

finally a very close view on the central neon lamp... nobody will see that label...

Now it's time for some other test build on those little things... :)
You leave in such a scenic area, it would almost be a sin not to fly! :)
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Anyone has a technical drawing of shuttle seats? I need to figure out the right proportions and shape of seat and backrest.
There are many photos showing details of the seats but I'm searching for orthogonal views, front/side, to be acceptably accurate.
Seats are an important cabin element. Any help?
They are incredible simple. The Pilot/Co-pilot seats ride on cushions, much like truck driver seats to absorb vibrations. Here are a few I found. The are painfully simple. The Pilot Co-Pilot seats differ slightly. You can see the arms on the sides from where the seat cushion moves relative to the backing, to cushion their butts. :)

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Yes they are simple as for general shape but I have several doubts regarding the base strucutre. In the drawing above it seems that the base is rather "monolithic", like a big closed box, i don't think this is the right appearance. In real photo it seems to have instead a lighter, opened structure but the sight is always covered by the central console so you cannot see it well. I found this image that should depict pilot seat (it has the hand controller in front of it). I think this is not a real seat but a good reproduction. Do you think this is a good reference for the lower structure?