1/144th Gundam Helios by Bandai.


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Staff member
Jul 12, 2012
Shannon GA
Hello all,
My next build is going to be this, HG Gundam for my grandsons birthday. I'll be giving him the unbuilt Gundam, and assisting him in building it.

This is a big box for an HG Gundam, 4" thick, it contains 10 sprues, instruction sheet, and sticker sheet.
My grandson came over yesterday, and worked on the Gundam a little, he got the chest cut out and partly assembled.
I finished assembling the parts he cut out, and detailed with the Gundam line marker.

I'll wait till next time he comes over to work on this again.
My grandson came by the other day, and he worked on his Gundam some while his mom went shopping.
My hobby space is a small desk in the kitchen now, but I make do.

the first two pics, he didn't even realize I was taking pics.

Now my part is to detail the parts he has assembled.
Your grandson will never ever forget this. I helped this kis that was a friend of my brother in law. The friend had a real deadbeat dad who took off, leaving this rather beautiful, intelligent woman alone to raise her child alone, no child support, nothing. Thank God she was able to work but she couldn't be a dad. One day I went over there, and the little boy, around 9 years old, wanted to show me his toys, I was fine with it. He had "KIT", the plastic model car from "Knight Rider", but it was completely unassembled. I knew I was going to be there an hour, so I asked his mom if she would mind me help him, she said go for it. Well, I showed him, step by step, letting him do the work, but lending a hand, to make it fun, and we built that model. Things changed a couple of weeks after that and I moved away. Flash forward 30 years, I'm at my brother in laws farm, and this man comes up to me, he looked like he could rip my arm off, big full beard, and says "JOHN!!!" it's me Willy"!!. I said "Mary's son?!, he replies "YEs".

He goes on to tell me how vividly he remembers me taking all tha time, in his mind it was hours, to help him build that modell, which lead him into model building, construction, and finally his own business. He laid that all to me reaching him how to build a model. He introduced me to his son, and said "this was the man I told you about". I felt so humbled. At the time I almost felt like I was intruding in his life. I wished I could have spent more time with him whn he was young. His Mom did a fine job raisng this guy. There's something about young boys at that age when they need another man, better be it their father or grandfather, to lay a foundation. It is truly the essence of life. ;)
So true John. And the sad part is, is all it takes is a little time. My stepsons dad was like that deadbeat, but he cared about his oldest, but wouldn't give the time of day to the youngest. I gave both of them all the time I had, and today, they both call me "Dad".
I finally got around to adding the details to the Gundam head and shoulders that my grandson built.
I've been feeling quite bad recently, I can't even sit in my chair to do anything. between the back and leg pain, and my diverticulitis flaring up.
I just got a new recliner, that will stand you up. I found a place in Connecticut, a hour and 15 minutes away, that has them in stock, and repairs what they sell. It has helped me tremendously, as I can no longer sleep on a matress. I hope you're feeling better soon. I never had a grandfather and my father died when I was 5 years old. My Mom raised us all. I don't know how that would be having a older male that's related to you, showing you how to do things. Fortunately the neighborhood I grew up in was very close knit, and I learned how to do everything on that street. We had every race living on that street, all working class. I truly realize as I am older that where I grew up was quite unique. So many different kinds of food, languages, and colors of skin.

I just found out I have divertriculitis, but I think it's a product of the C.Diff I had last December that almost killed me. My legs have been aching like crazy today, but I cut up an 800 lb. trailer to bring to the scrap yard, using my 3 ton engine hoist I was able to load the pieces onto my other trailer to bring to the scrap yard, and get some small change for it. I felt worse, but oddly enough, pushing myself made me feel better. It's different for everyone. That usually doesn't happen with me, my legs hurt, and if I do anything, they hurt more! Hang in there! :)
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I am slowly learning to take my enjoyment in my life more and more from my grandchildren. And, when I was 38, I thought I would never find a wife . Met my wife in 2003, and the rest is history.
My grandson came over yesterday, to see his great-grandmother, and he worked on the Gundam a little. He got the pieces cut out, but then his great-grandma got here... I cleaned the piece up and assembled them.

Right upper arm and elbow joint done.

And sub assembled.

He's been grounded because he was a little wild in school the last week of it. But he was here to see his great-grandma, so he could work on it.
Yesterday, Monday< was a difficult day for me physically. My neuropathy was flaring up, I had tunnel vision, balance issues, and I could hardly hear. Buy my grandkids stayed with us a couple hours, and my grandson worked on his Helios.

He is very proud that this is his first build, all by himself, with me just offering guidance, and me doing the details.
here is his progress.

and as he left the workbench.

and I added the marker details and a few stickers.


He has even managed to find every piece that went flying when clipped loose.
I get really dizzy sometimes. I have Glaucoma really bad. I have to take those drops, or my eyeballs really ache. I have really bad Tinnitus, it's really loud. I have a tone generator. The frequency I hear is almost exactly 8000Hz. It never goes away. It just gets quieter, or some times, incredibly loud, the sub harmonics come in. It started a few years back. It felt like one ear had a clog, then it started ringing, and within a minute the other ear started. Doctors know virtually nothing about Tinnitus, except that there are many different things which could cause it, but they can't tell you which one. Mine may be from the Vegus Nerve, the only Nerve in our body that passes through a muscle. As the muscles in my neck have atrophied a bit, and in a certain position, of which I can only hold my head for a few seconds, seems to affect the volume. Of course knowing that does nothing.

Your Grandson is really doing an excellent job on this. He'll have it forever, I'm sure. ;) :)
That is coming together nicely!!!
He took it home with him, so it's done. He'll build the weapons as he wants to. I think he did very well, he only broke one piece, and I was able to glue it back together for him. He found all the pieces he dropped, and never got frustrated at himself.
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