Remodeling: father and son


New Member
Jun 19, 2014
Hello. I used to be a casual builder. I am trying to get back into modeling now that my autistic son is developing and there is time available again. Also, he seems genuinely interested in building some models. Most of my early models were plastic aviation military models. I was introduced to this site through the Bob's Card Models page while searching for a new project (I'm new to card models). I am generally not a forum poster unless I find a topic that grabs my attention an I don't spend a great deal of time on my computer. I don't currently have a project running, however I have several plastic models in planning stages (a few are my son's).
Hello and welcome to Zealot. I am glad to hear that you are sharing this hobby with your son.
Is there anything in particular that you (or your son) are looking for?
If you have any photos of your older plastic models, go ahead and post them in the PLASTIC section (as well as the ones that you have planned for in the future).

By all means many yourself at home here I hope that you (and your son) like it here.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice, please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

Once again, welcome aboard.
Welcome Finchhawk, it's great when a Dad is able to share a fantastic hobby with his son. My Dad got me into the plastic models back when I was 7 which I built tons of until 2010. Then I got into card/paper models. I have an 19 month old son who I hope will follow in his Dad's footsteps :)
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We're trying to get to the models. We recently a couple of balsa wood rubberband models that he wants to finish first. They're sort of like the balsa gliders that I used to have when I was a kid but with real airfoil wings. Will have to post pics. not sure which section to post in though.
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i hate to pimp my own stuff, but check out my simple easy one pagers in the downloads. spaceship stuff scifi....
No 'pimping' taken, you have some wonderful designs of one-of-a-kind and unique subjects. I heartily recommend them!

(sorry for the hi-jack) back to the introduction and WELCOME!!!! Looking forward to seeing some of you and your son's work.

Best Regards,
that completely makes my day! check out all of Ron's stuff, the space pod from lost in space, star trek bridge and enterprise, and a whole bunch more, foundations of paper modeling!
Not exactly modeling, but the son and I are going to an airshow on Sunday. This will be his first.
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Welcome Finchhawk! My nephew is autistic. Amazing what these kids can make you see sometimes isn't it! Welcome to Zealot! There are many models that you can do with your son, and you can have a blast at playing with (in reference to the ones that glide). Good luck at the Air Show, and post pics of it, if you wish. :)