I've been playing with this for a while... Whaddaya think?

Rogerio Silva

Active Member
Nov 9, 2012
Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL !!!

I think this is the right place for this thread, giving the object below. I've been playing with this for a while, and its story is as follow: my kid has to do a presentation in his English class about a movie he liked very much.
He chose a certain movie, and bought a cheap, but good prop from the movie. Me, I thought that (after helping him making his presentation in a well-known software for that purpose) wouldn't be enough, and so I've made something else for him. I actually unfolded and build the thing, but I think can do better. Whaddaya think?


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Our kids are not allowed to bring anything that looks like a weapon to school. That would probably get mine shot! Different country, different rules, looks good to me! :)
I ALWAYS listen to Zathros...

Our kids are not allowed to bring anything that looks like a weapon to school. That would probably get mine shot! Different country, different rules, looks good to me! :)

C'mon, man, it's made of paper and it (poorly) resembles :rolleyes: a prop from the movie... But I understand your point, point taken :thumb: :thumb:, in our schools is the same, although it's a much "loosen" rule.
I just made it to help him in his presentation, and since the movie was a blockbuster, I thought: "why not"? idea1
Nevertheless, you're right, but they're all 12 y.o., so they'll know it's just to show and tell, and won't actually harm anyone, despite the fact that I did it in A3, 230gsm paper... :rolleyes:
Well, if the teachers think it is a real weapon, then that proves your modelling skills are better than you think!!!!!! :thumb::mrgreen:

sign1 sign1 sign1

First, it's not so good, although it resembles the real Sting. Second, I tried to cover the "metal" parts with foil paper, and it was cool enough, until I did something that was a terrible mistake: I tried to make the foil adhere tighter to the paper structure by stretching it. The result? It got all wrinkled up, but still had some metal look.
So, I don't think it''l scare anyone... :cry: :rolleyes:
Rogerio, you never cease to amaze me. This is a very cool looking sword and I'm sure your boy will get a hell of attention with it.

HOWEVER, when I looked at the first pics a certain Warrior Princess came into my mind again:


Source: http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/2/0/0/160/f/AAAAAl4jv9gAAAAAAWD_Gg.jpg?v=1224087065000

Of course Rogerio, the hard part about Sting is getting it to glow blue when orcs are about.

Of course Rogerio, the hard part about Sting is getting it to glow blue when orcs are about.


You know, I've given that a thought, but I didn't have time enough (the presentation was TODAY). I intend to unfold it again, because it was unfolded to A3, and if anyone wants it, upload it here. At leat it would change my upload count... :rolleyes:
Ok,, thinking cap snugly in place.... print it out on onion skin paper? or tracing paper very thin vellum. blue LED strip in center of blade, pressure switch and batteries in handle Hmmm this could be doable.
Ok Rogerio, I'd like one when you can upload it.

A small update: I think I managed to successfully unfold the blade with some texture, so that it looks a bit like the Sting itself. The texture has a few errors that I'm trying to correct (mainly on the tip of the blade), but I'm almost satisfied with it so far.
I'm still trying to put a better texture for the handle (or is it hilt?), because so far the lines look "broken". I'll make it happen, just give me some time, I'm learning...
If I have the time, I'll make a letter-sized version of it, or should I just keep it in the A4? Any opinions on that?

Ok,, thinking cap snugly in place.... print it out on onion skin paper? or tracing paper very thin vellum. blue LED strip in center of blade, pressure switch and batteries in handle Hmmm this could be doable.
Ok Rogerio, I'd like one when you can upload it.

Sorry for not answering you post. Of course you can have one ASAP, just let me get my new place in order, OK? Thanks for your comprehension!
's ok Rogerio, I know how bad moving can be, when ya get the chance.
On and off


My last post seems to have disappeared, so I'll repeat some of it in this new one. You all know that I have recently moved to a new home, and chaos is inherent to a situation like this. That's why I have been so inactive regarding my paper projects... :cry:
Anyway, the situation is slowing getting back to normality, and although I don't even have space to restart building, I did work in the Sting sword in these days.
My first picture shows that I have completely redesigned it, based in some reference pictures, which I think lead to a much better result. The other pictures show it with the textures I've made to it.
I recognize I'm not so cool in texturing (specially with the ones I made myself... :rolleyes:), but it's good enough for me. After all, I'm just learning...
So, tell me what you think... just don't hit too hard! :cry:



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Say what you mean, mean what you say.


I have unfolded the model, with the textures I've made, and I'm facing one problem now: the lack of space...:cry: :cry: :cry: This situation is driving me crazy, everything's a mess, although it's been worse. Too bad I just can't build anything... :boom:
Well, anyway, here's the undeniable proof, in form of a picture. Hope you like it!


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Looks great Rogerio, really great! Moving is the worse. Did your last post or did a thread disappear? I can't find anything that is "moderated', let me know if you have any problems. :)
Don't worry, be happy

Looks great Rogerio, really great! Moving is the worse. Did your last post or did a thread disappear? I can't find anything that is "moderated', let me know if you have any problems. :)


Naah, it's probably lil' old stupid ME who pressed a wrong button, or even forgot to press the right one :cry: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:. That's happened before.
Sometimes I do it, because I ALWAYS preview/review a post before submitting it, spell-checking and "self-moderating" it. It's all good, :thumb: :mrgreen: no big loss, and I was able to rewrite it along the other one.
Thanks a lot, anyway. :thumb: :cool: :thumb: :cool:
