

New Member
Jun 13, 2012
This is my first time posting anything so I'm winging it. It seems I can only attach one photo at a time to a post. I have more but here's one.DSCF3309.jpg
Wow, that is beautiful! If that's winging it, then please, wing it some more! Excellent!! :)
lookin good bro!cant wait till you bring it over to the house so i can see it in person!
Thanks everyone it's actually my 6th build, first one printed in color. I get a lot of help and ideas from my cousin arkon. There I used soldering wire for part of the exhaust( I didn't like the way the paper looked) DSCF3331.jpg
These tracks were very time consuming but I love them and wish all the tanks had similar options. They're just so cool and rewarding when you're done. DSCF3290.jpg
Those tracks are amazing, you don't happen to have a detail of how they look, each track link that is? :)
Looking great so far! Which turret are you going with? The standard baneblade or one of the other patterns?
cuz, you are doin great work there!those tracks and the wire detail really look the part!:thumb::thumb:
I can't find the extra track links I had.
I'm going to do all the top options so they can be changed out as needed. The one I'm working on now is labeled Benetbled 01, one of the options for the lower gun has a ball for the base that's giving me a little trouble. I may go with the easier option to finish it. There's so many other models that I can't wait to get to!!
It's just about done, wife caught me looking at the different sites and saw a life size Link from Zelda....I managed to negotiate a smaller Link in return for all the time I spend on models. Will post results in the proper forum. Life size Link on the back burner for now but I don't think I've heard the last of that.
