2001 A Space Odyssey


Dan the Man
Feb 29, 2012
Hallo All,

I am on the hunt for a paper model.
I have no idea if it exists, (maybe that is a plug for someone designing one !!! )

I am looking for a paper model of space suited figure from 2001 ASO.
If it is depicted as David Bowman, even the better!

In the pic below from the net, I have all the paper models of the models shown, but, alas no space suited figure..... :(


There are plenty of pre-made versions for 'action figures', and I found this forum on the subject...


But, I cannot find a PAPER MODEL version anywhere ..... :cry:
Or, maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places...... :eek:ops:

Any ideas ????????????????????

I make a point of scouting up such things and to date I've not run across one. However, I have a feeling that one is not far around the corner.

If one comes wandering around the corner, that would be great!!!
I am not in a major rush, as I still have to BUILD all the models that I have yet!!!!

And with the amount of time that it is taking to build the Discovery at the moment, I think 2014 would be a good year to aim for ...sign1