Looking for HUGE papercrafts


New Member
Apr 5, 2010
hello evereyone,
I'm making papercrafts for a year now, always small projects.

Now I'm having more time to make a larger project.
My question to you: can I find somewhere very large papercraft models?

When I google, I only find some robots and the real-sized link. But are they also other models?

Thanks in advance!
Almost any model can be scaled up to giant size; the main trouble comes with the textures.

The larger you blow something up, the fuzzier the textures get.

I've been building a 200% larger version of Gearz' Galactica for the past several years... it'll be about 4 feet long when done. His original textures were so good that it stands up even at that level.

Welcome to the forum!
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Hi Rocci, I thought size doesn't matter?:mrgreen:

Just seach the forums here or at Papermodelers. There are lots of fantastic and huge:eek: models available. Some examples:

Ekuth is too modest to mention his own Rodger Young which I just finished building. It's a beauty and goes together easily. Winds up around 3.5 feet long.

If you're into real space subjects there are two 1/48 Saturn Vs. I've started the one designed by Greeltz. They are both over at http://jleslie48.com/gallery_models.html

Alien99 is designing a fantastic (and ginormous) Sulaco. If you can't wait there's an older (and ginormous) version in the forums here. I think it's in the downloads also.

First off welcome!

Lets make sure we are on the same page here first :) Are you talking BIG as in size - amount of space its gonna take up or size as in complexity of build? Also what subjects interest you the most? That will help us make some suggestions :)
My I suggest the big towns by Tsech designer Richard Vyskovsky? The Prague Castle, and the Medieval town are great.
Another big model: the Osprey, by Bird Mobile in England.
You will find them on my website, www.zeistbouwplaten.nl (Pages Arcitecture and Various / Animals)
Of course the various Alan Rose models can also easily be defined as huge, though not complicated.
Diderick A. denBakker, Holland
Ugh. Don't remind me about Haywan's life-sized Link. He builds one (relatively simplified) model and gets into Nintendo Power. Meanwhile, more experienced and better designers get completely ignored. Shameful...
Yes I agree with you about the neglicted other crafters. Have you built any of ninjatoe's papercrafts. They all are really high detail espcilly the Wolf Link and the SSBM Link.
Papercraft website

Lots of options here: World wide, military, hobbies, origami, historical

Free downloads.. pirate site
With regards to scaling the model.. Assuming the texture is fine, is it just a matter of printing out of A2 paper down at the print shop?
I've just unfolded some large Star Destroyer models (the largest, an Imperial II-class is nearly two feet long) which have very fine textures that can be scaled up nicely. They're in the downloads, but I don't mind emailing them directly to you if you can't download.
Jan Ruukers Sulaco is 3 feet long, as is the Rodger Young. I have a copy of the Macross MAC II Monster destroid that takes 72 pages, and I also have a PDF file of a Shadowcat Battlemech in 1:18 scale. It's a little over 2 feet tall when finished. Or there's the Large-scale Star Wars Ship thread here.

Pretty much you can take any model and scale it to whatever you like. If you need help, I'm a fair hand with Photoshop and Acrobat.
Jan Ruukers Sulaco is 3 feet long, as is the Rodger Young. I have a copy of the Macross MAC II Monster destroid that takes 72 pages, and I also have a PDF file of a Shadowcat Battlemech in 1:18 scale. It's a little over 2 feet tall when finished. Or there's the Large-scale Star Wars Ship thread here.

Pretty much you can take any model and scale it to whatever you like. If you need help, I'm a fair hand with Photoshop and Acrobat.

Kjev, would you share the Macross MAC II Monster Destroid with me, I would Love a copy for my Archives

I would also request a copy of the Destroid Monster if possible. If you have problems with distributing it, I completely understand.
