More Shuttles

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Active Member
Apr 22, 2007
Greenville NC, USA
I know, the last thing we all need, more shuttles, right? Anyway, I've got three more lined up for release once I get permission from Ulrich Prahn ( ) to post them (they use his Type 6 shuttle as a base). As you can see, the conversion process to these different shuttles was actually pretty easy using his very nice kit.

Anyway, picture time:

First up is Voyager's Type 8 shuttle, successor of the Type 6 (though they did have a few of those onboard as well). Apparently its easy enough to build these that Voyager had an unlimited supply.

This one is the shuttlecraft Tereshkova:

Next we have a shuttle that made probably the briefest appearance in Star Trek ever, for a few moments at the end of Generations (it flew in front of Picard while he stood on the mountain, I just watched it). As you can see, there are some very big similarities between it and the Type 6.

In case it wasn't obvious, the above shuttle was derived from this model, which I believe was an extended Type 6. Anyway, this one is a little more prominant, the Galileo 5 from 1701-A.

And here they are together, with their common ancestor:

Here's a picture of the Type 8 with the Type 9. I'm not quite sure they're to scale, I think the Type 8 is slightly too large.

And here I thought this was the common ancestor of the Shuttle:


Heh, just messin' witcha. :mrgreen:

Great work as always, Paragon. :thumb:
It might be tough to get his permission. He died in 1996:
Sadly, in January 1996 - suddenly and unexpected - Ulrich passed away in his sleep at the age of only 30. We all still miss Uli dearly, and there will always be a place in the thoughts and the hearts of those who knew and loved him.
It might be tough to get his permission. He died in 1996:
Sadly, in January 1996 - suddenly and unexpected - Ulrich passed away in his sleep at the age of only 30. We all still miss Uli dearly, and there will always be a place in the thoughts and the hearts of those who knew and loved him.

...I need to pay more attention don't I? Right at the top of the page...thats more than a little embarrassing.

So I guess I should be asking Oliver Götz. Last updated in 1997, anyone think he'll reply?

Man, I even noticed the different name in the e-mail and still didn't wonder.
don't know mate...

btw these shuttles are awesome... when we could download it?
Like I said, as soon as I get Oliver's permission if possible. They're already uploaded to a file host waiting for permission...though I'm thinking I might need to put some small note in them, in light of the original designer's fate, before allowing them to be downloaded.
wow again nice work paragon and i dont think we could ever have to many shuttles i mean like you said voyager had plenty of them
While waiting and trying to decide what to do about the models posted above, I decided the Type 9 needed an overhaul, to match some of the more detailed graphics being applied to the other shuttles. Hence, I give you my favorite shuttle model so far:

And here you can see it compared to the previous version of the Type 9. I think the stark difference in detail, the minor, but necessary tweaks to shape, the higher resolution, increased accuracy and increased size all speak for themselves.

ohh i like that look alot neater than the older one is it in scale with the other shuttles also
Yeaaaaah, thats the one. That model is even more detailed than the ones I've been designing, so I'm sure we don't need another model of lesser quality.

Anyway, I finished the new Type 9, and since I've already got permission I'll be posting it within the hour. I had to make some slight tweaks to the design, the nose is supposed to be round instead of flat, so I changed that, and I've included all the parts necessary to build it to the same level of detail show in the pictures (I used a second printout for some of the raised detail, like the thrusters, engine inserts, panels on the top and bottom of the shuttle, etc. I included tabs too. I still managed to keep it down to one page though. Who thinks I should make one scaled up even more? The detail resolution would probably stand up to it......
Yeaaaaah, thats the one. That model is even more detailed than the ones I've been designing, so I'm sure we don't need another model of lesser quality......

Don't be too quick to dismiss the 'lesser quality' models, Paragon. Those are great for an "instant-gratification model", y'know, the ones you build in a couple of hours to get that feeling of accomplishment. :wink: The TOS shuttle in your style would be a great little time-killer and 'instant-gratification model', especially since it's, basically, a box with wings.
True as well, but I already know what I'm doing next. I want to redraw Ninjatoe's Delta Flyer, and design a Type 7 model.

That would mean having the Type 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 shuttles on my site. Isn't that a flush or something? ;)

Sorry for the delay on the Type 9 upgrade too, I wanted to make sure there weren't any other issues with it, so it might be a little while longer.

Still no word on the Type 8, Galileo 5 and Generations shuttle...I need some advice here, I don't think Oliver is going to respond, I imagine he no longer uses that e-mail, the website was, after all, last updated more that twelve years ago. The site only asks that Ulrich's models not be sold, so to me, it would seem fine to release my models, as long as they're free (which of course they would be). Opinions?
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