Attention ship card modelers from IPMS/USA!

ship modeler

New Member
Jan 13, 2005
My name is Rusty White and I am the Head Ship Judge for IPMS/USA. I would like to take this opportunity to extend a hand in welcome from IPMS/USA. For those of you not aware, there were a number of card model classes at this years IPMS/USA National Convention. As Head Ship Judge, I have received many comments on the ship card models that were on the tables with lots of folks wanting to get into card modeling. The most common comment was "I had no idea "paper" models could look THAT good". And "How did they do that with card?" In short, the card models were a BIG hit!

The purpose of this greeting is to encourage all card ship modelers to enter at the next IPMS/USA National Convention in VA Beach. Although I don't build card models, I really enjoy seeing your ships! I am also wanting to expand the ship categories to include card models, but I need your help. Unfortunately, I can't request an official Card category until we see attendance numbers for three consecutive years. What I can do is if enough card models show (8 to 10), is create a special "split" category for card ships.

As Head Ship Judge, my interest is in ships so I can't speak for any other model genre. I want to invite all of you to show the uninitiated how great these models are when properly built. I can't predict how far this could go, but as long as lots of card ships keep showing up on a consistent basis, I'll keep pushing for categories. How far this will go in IPMS/USA is now up to you.

Ons last thing. Don't concern yourselves with the "P" in IPMS (International Plastic Modeler's Society). Some time ago the Society allowed metal, multi media, die cast, and wood models to be entered, so your entries will be welcome.

I'll be watching this thread and see where it goes. If you wish to contact me, my email address is:

Pass the word and check out the 2008 IPMS/USA national Convention at: The 2008 IPMS-USA National Convention hosted by IPMS Tidewater

Rusty White
IPMS/USA Head Ship Judge
Sounds great Rusty.

I build ships in all mediums, and I'm very familiar with your exploits over at

It's great to hear that the IPMS is going to embrace card models. If more people realized how wonderful they are and how realistic they can be, the hobby would grow immensely. The IPMS could help push card modeling out of the shadows.

Anyway, I've got a thread going right now for a 1/100 Arizona. Assuming I have it complete by next year. :wink: And it measures up to my expectations, you'll likely see me in Virginia Beach.

Thanks again Rusty for extending the invitation.
IPMS - Netherlands and Cardboard


I am the treasurer of IPMS - Netherlands.
Every year we have our "Nationals" ( Now called Euro Scale Modelling - ESM)
On 4.000 m2 we offer all kinds of (built) plastic models, kits, traders etc.
But, this year for the 3rd time, we also open our show for Cardboardmodellers. With over 50 meters of table length plus all the Dutch Suppliers present we cover most of the works. Plus of course a lot of splendid models.

Keep in mind!

This year's ESM will take place on October 24 at Nieuwegein, 15 kms South of the town of Utrecht.
More info: Go to English section and find "ESM"
Hope to see you.

Gert Vlaanderen
I thought the P in IPMS stood for Paper....

Seriously, although I'm late to this thread and you can count the ship models I've build on two fingers, I appreciate Rusty's warm embrace of card modelers. I wish the rest of styrene-addicted folks in the modeling world were as open-minded as he is, but we'll win them over eventually....

Thanks for introducing yourself and the kind words and interest for paper modeling.
I haven't abandoned plastic, but paper has really caught my attention.
PArt of it is the appreciation of what can be accomplished using it.
Some parts looks so odd, you'd never think they could make the shape they're supposed too, but somehow they do.
This is certainly great news! I do have a question for you. Many of our members (Like yours) are spread throughout the globe. Does a member need to be present to have a model at the table and to be judged? Could one member collect the models on behalf of several people and bring them to the show for judging?

Lastly do you have to be an IPMS member to enter a model?

I think we could easily get you 8-10 models if we can have one or two members collect and display the models on behalf of others. We could also get exceptional planes, tanks, cars etc etc etc. I would be happy to provide some free models as well.

Look for an email from me over the next couple days - I have an idea or two :)
IPMS Netherlands and Cardboard


I am really surprised to get this kind of nice, warm answers on my post.

I will explain the Euro Scale Modelling show a little bit more:
IPMS organises and is responsable for the whole show. Organisation committee consists of about 10 IPMS members. I am one of them.
Particpants are IPMS regional groups, individuals and modelling groups from all over Europe. To get the money balance OK we rent out a lot of table space to traders etc.
And... We brought into the show the Dutch group of cardboard modellers. This group, about 200 people, is not a formal organisation, but " comes together" . They have 1 day as a National Dutch Cardboard Day. Since three years it is held as part of our Show.

Now to your questions/remarks:
We do have the original IPMS contest for plastic models. Sofar not for Cardboard models. But this may change either to be part of our contest or into a separate contest among the cardboard model participants.

You want to participate? Mostly welcome, either being part of our IPMS show, or as a participant of the Dutch Cardboard group.

You will bring more/several models through 1 person? No problem.
You want to stay overnight? As long as you notify us in advance we will assist you in finding a place or put you somewhere.

For general info: again see at
or send me an e-mail at

Gert Vlaanderen
IPMS - Nederland
Rusty, do you have a provision for proxy entries? I can afford to mail a model to the event, but UPS frowns upon a person curling up in one of their shipping boxes in order to make the cross-country trip to the expo.
Two years ago our local IPMS club added paper models to our annual contest and it has introduced the hobby to many who didn't know what was possible with paper. You can check out our club website here.

I am the treasurer of IPMS - Netherlands.
Every year we have our "Nationals" ( Now called Euro Scale Modelling - ESM)
On 4.000 m2 we offer all kinds of (built) plastic models, kits, traders etc.
But, this year for the 3rd time, we also open our show for Cardboardmodellers. With over 50 meters of table length plus all the Dutch Suppliers present we cover most of the works. Plus of course a lot of splendid models.

Keep in mind!

This year's ESM will take place on October 24 at Nieuwegein, 15 kms South of the town of Utrecht.
More info: Go to English section and find "ESM"
Hope to see you.

Gert Vlaanderen
is this a nick , i thought rene erhart was the treasurer of ipms nl:confused:
IPMS - Netherlands


For Mr. "bf109": As I understand you come from the Netherlands.
You can easely check the IPMS website and/or other sources and find out that your remark is incorrect.

Uptill our general meeting, which took place on May 2-nd. Mr. Erhart was our Secretary. As from that date we have anotherone: Mr. Henk Hirs.
And I am still the treasurer of IPMS - Nederland, uptill the end of this year when I will handover this position to my succeeder, Mr. Peter Rosendal.

Kind regards,

Gert Vlaanderen
If I can make a suggestion, why not change the name of IPMS to IMBS (International Model Builders's Society.) and then entertain all forms of model building?

You'll have to ask the British to do that; they're the ones who invented it. IPMS/USA is merely the US Branch, originally chartered by our cousins across the pond.

During my tenure on the IPMS/USA EBoard, I was able to see the actual charter. I am sure it still exists in the files in the Ohio office.

And, for those of you who do not know Rusty, he will be good to his word. In fact, I would challenge the paper modelers to compete their models in the same category as the plastics guys. I am not much of a purist when it comes to materials, so I'll use anything that works. The best way to improve is to find out how you stack up against the next guy.

And, all IPMS National contests allow for proxy entries. You must be a member to participate, so go to the ipms/ website and sign up. If you contact the sponsoring club in Columbus, again good folks I know well, they will help you to find someone who will take care of your model on your behalf.