Chat Room

N Gauger

1:20.3 Train Addict
Dec 20, 2000
South Eastern, PA
If anyone wishes to use the chat room - The link is above in the "Quick links " list.. But here is the direct link:

When Exiting chat - You MUST click on the red circle that is in the upper right hand corner... this will make sure you are exited out correctly..

Please do NOT close your browser to exit, we're still working on the chat room, but it is usable for now......
When I use that link, it does open me up into the chat room but it starts me out in the Zealots Lounge. From there, it's not a big deal but I have to use the drop down menu on the left to change to the Gaugers Depot.
When I click on the red circle to exit, it does exit me out but not only does it pop up a new log in window, but it also opens ANOTHER window. Could be convenient for some but it's just another window I have to go and re-close. Then, when I try to leave the logout window in any way, it opens ANOTHER window.
THEN, if I immediately log back into chat, it does not bring me back to where I was but now sticks me into the Slotracers Clubhouse. Again, no big deal but annoying all the same.
If I use this link,, it pops me into the Gaugers Depot every time. The only difference in the path is that it's directing me into room 19 instead of 18.
Chat....? Room.....?

I got into the chat room 1 (one) time and chatted a bit. Since then, I have never found anyone there. What is room 18? 19? mean? When I get there (eventually) I see a room7, or 10, or whatever. Am I just in the wrong room to find somebody?

I got into the chat room 1 (one) time and chatted a bit. Since then, I have never found anyone there. What is room 18? 19? mean? When I get there (eventually) I see a room7, or 10, or whatever. Am I just in the wrong room to find somebody?

Don't worry about room numbers, you can't see them anyway, just pay attention to the room name. Each room has a name, but the software here also has to have a link that tells your browser where to find that room, that's where the long string that we've been posting that right now ends in 18 for the "Zealot's lounge" and 19 for "the Gauger's depot". Usually there's someone there around 10PM EST, or 7 PST.
I haven't been able to get into the chat room since the change in ownership took place.
It still shows me as being signed in, so I can't check in. The old chat room was in use for a while after that, but now evidently, everyone is using the new room.

Any suggestions?
I haven't been able to get into the chat room since the change in ownership took place.
It still shows me as being signed in, so I can't check in. The old chat room was in use for a while after that, but now evidently, everyone is using the new room.

Any suggestions?
i know you may have... but just making sure you are using this link

I got 2 questions, one the forum, and one the chat room. When I got to the chat room, it shows my name over on the right under chat room. One time it showed another name, too. Does that mean there is another person in the room? I messaged, but no answer. I went to click out, and got a login box. I did, but it logged me into another room (slot cars), and I couldn't get out and back to the depot.

Then, I went back to the forum itself and the Chat Room thread I had just been reading had disappeared. I had to use Search to find it so I could ask these questions. Any help!

I got 2 questions, one the forum, and one the chat room. When I got to the chat room, it shows my name over on the right under chat room. One time it showed another name, too. Does that mean there is another person in the room? I messaged, but no answer. I went to click out, and got a login box. I did, but it logged me into another room (slot cars), and I couldn't get out and back to the depot.

Then, I went back to the forum itself and the Chat Room thread I had just been reading had disappeared. I had to use Search to find it so I could ask these questions. Any help!

Let me try to answer your questions. First of all, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, use the chat room link under "quick links". The link tries to find a non-existent room, and when it doesn't find it, you wind up in the slot car room. Once there, you cannot get out. Please, use the following link to get into chat, if you leave, come back using this link. It will get you directly into the Gauger's depot.

If you see anyone's name under a room on the right side, and that name in in white, usually with an icon to the beginning, that person is in chat. If the name is grayed out, then they are not there. We are trying to get several issues with the chat room fixed, right now it is usable, but we want it to work like it should and it doesn't. If you change the number at the end of that URL to 18, it will take you into the Zealot's lounge.

If you go to "quick links" and click on "today's Posts", you will bring up all the threads with new posts in them over the past 24 hours. If you were just reading a new thread, and you can't find it again, it should show up on that list. I usually only go to two places to see what's going on here, "new posts" and "today's Posts".

Have patience with the chat room, we're hoping it gets fixed soon.
The chat room is having problems again - when someone types a response and sends it, better than half the time it goes off into cyberspace never to be seen again! This makes conversation very difficult, but I guess it does improve the typing skills by providing more practice.

Also, today when I click on any of the threads, it takes me to a listing of the forums.
I assume that you are aware of this and that a fix is in progress.
