CSS Hunley

You know, I may have a copy of that model. I'll have to check. I know it is a Civil War era sub, but I cannot remember who created it.
I'll check back here in a little while, (within 24hours).
I found my copy. I don't believe it was designed by Renova. It has the name Tom Slawik on it. If you still want it, send me a private message, and I'll send it to you.
Paladin, I am also interested in this model, if possible I would like to receive a copy (if the model is freeware if not I would not) fascinates me the story of this submarine and I would like to make the model.

Best regards and thanks
An impressive scale model. I see that it includes about a gazillion rivet heads.
Won't that be fun.
I think the one you mentioned Nullmoon is the one I have. It isn't very detailed, and seems a bit small, but enlarging it a little doesn't distort it too much, but some of the notations on the parts page is a little hard to read.

Got you message, and it is on its way to several of you fellow modelers
Actually most of the Hunley's rivets were flush with the hull surface to reduce friction. That submarine was FAR more advanced in design than we were led to believe all these years.
Thanks for that link, Archangel! The model looks wonderful, but will need modification. One of the preeminent and surprising features of the Hunley is that it was flush-riveted! So, those raised rivets will have to go in favor of a something more representative of the technology.

Otherwise, the planform of the model looks very much like the real thing in Charleston. I have been there twice and that is a tour worth taking!