70's Question...

UP SD40-2

Senior Member
Apr 29, 2006
I'm a little embarrassed to ask this as i was born in the mid 60's and should remember it:eek:ops: , but were there ANY 40'ers(boxcars)still used in the 70's? :confused: seems to me i remember seeing some 40' stragglers around then, but just want to be sure:winki: . THANK YOU for ANY help:smilie: -Deano
In general use, the 40' was still around in the late 70's and even a few were seen in the early 80's. The recession of the early 80's pretty much removed them from service. I used to see them still hauling grain in 1981.

In general use, the 40' was still around in the late 70's and even a few were seen in the early 80's. The recession of the early 80's pretty much removed them from service. I used to see them still hauling grain in 1981.

Greg:wav: , grain huh...hmm...that REALLY HELPS!:up: THANK YOU!:mrgreen: -Deano
I used to see them still hauling grain in 1981.
That's what they were used for in their last years in Canada. 100-ton covered hoppers had taken over most grain traffic, but boxcars were used on lines which couldn't handle the axle loading of the covered hoppers, or at elevators not equipped for loading covered hoppers.
Deano,Due to the boxcar shortage of the late 60s and 70s many 40 footers was rebuilt but,the roof walk had been removed..The side ladders was lowered but,the end ladders remain in place because the brake wheel was still mounded in their regular location.
Like so.

Athearn - HO RTR 40' Modern Box, NP/Green #42652
AGAIN, THANK YOU FOLKS!:smilie: you have provided me with all the info i needed:up: .

Larry, i knew about the ladders & roofwalks being removed, but wasn't sure when this happened, THANKS for telling me:up: .

NOW...a NEW PROBLEM has arose:eeki: , i try and do things as prototypical as i can:winki: , HOWEVER, being i collect and run UP engines from the Past-Present:rolls: , i WILL NOT be taking off the ladders or roof walks from my 40'ers:eeki: :eek:ops: . Cripes, it would cost me a fortune to buy cars that was 100% prototypically correct to run with the whole gambit of engines i have:winki: .

i guess when i post pics of my late 60's-70's stuff, you'll just have to pretend the ladders and roof walks ARE NOT there:winki: :eek:ops: :toug: :119: . THANKS!:mrgreen: -Deano
Deano: Don't worry about removing all the rolf walks. Back then the Rail Roads had a dead line to remove them and I do not believe that all cars had there roof walks removed. There were just way to many to pull in and remove them. When they were removed was probably when they were set out for repairs of some kind. Chessie used several 40's in MOW service. Leave em on, remove what ya can if you want, but leave several on. Besides, the roof walk is just that much more added detail. It's your road, do what you want, but have fun with it.
THANKS MARK!:smilie: thats just what i am going to do:thumb: . stuff like that kinda bugs me, but i gotta draw a line somewhere:winki: :119: . :mrgreen: -Deano
40' box cars all over the place on my 1970's layout! :thumb:
I like 'em especially because I can fit ten on my car float. :)


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THANKS RALPH!, thats even more backup for me to use the 40'ers:up: . BTW, NICE PIC!!!:up: :up: :up: :smilie: -Deano
WARNING: You will receive an unannounced visit from the conformity commitee, with Xacto knives in hand. All roof walks and ladders will be removed. Disclaimer-- Only kidding.
WARNING: You will receive an unannounced visit from the conformity commitee, with Xacto knives in hand. All roof walks and ladders will be removed. Disclaimer-- Only kidding.
Jim:wav: , thats what I'm scarred of!:eeki: :119: , but with the vast amount of engines from different periods...i have to draw a line somewhere:p sign1 :mrgreen: -Deano
Quite a few years ago, MR did an article on converting a 40'er to 70's standards(Lowering brake wheel, removing roof walk and shortning ladders).
But hey...Liked mentioned above..Its your railroad....Do what you like.
And don't let the rivet counters get you down..Just ignore them.
One thing I like about 40 foot cars, particularly if you have restricted space for a layout, is that more cars will make a train look longer even if the actual length isn't any longer in feet and inches. As an example you can have 2 trains the same length, but a train with 20 40 foot cars will look longer than a train with 8 89 foot autoracks.