Hi all

Papa Mashy

Masher of paper
Jul 29, 2018
East Anglia, UK
Hello everyone.

I'm new to paper model making. I've been making models (mostly aviation and marine) on an off for most of my life, but this has been more around plastic kits with the odd dabble with cardboard flying planes.

I didn't realise that there was such great printable models available on the web until one of my kids had homework to make a model of the Tower of London. Having duly helped to make a cardboard effort with toilet roll centres and old boxes, I subsequently found a great printable model on the Canon site and enjoyed making it.
Given how well that experience went, albeit with mistakes, I looked around to see what else I could try to up my skills and learn more. I found an USS Enterprise model by Ron Caudillo/Alan Sinclair and it looked like a good step up with plenty of challenge. (I like Sci-fi too)
Well... I just finished it this weekend and overall, I'm quite pleased with the learning experience. I think the model was well designed and went together well with good instructions. Again I made mistakes and there was warping of the main dish and other bits where I just rushed sections, but the finished model is a fair representation and is now hanging from my kids ceiling. (Pictures attached)

Moving on then....
What now? The Enterprise was fun but it didn't have too much detail, so I looked around for something which is the next level on again to my eye, and have just started the U-Boot VII C by U-Don.
I'm determined to take this a bit slower and experiment with paper types and up my skill. This is one of the main attractions for me at the moment. If I fluff it up, I can just print off another sheet and start again. (Which I already have done.. :-0 )

Anyway, came by this site by chance and I have been astounded by the level of the contributers on here and hope to gain further inspiration to push me forward.


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Welcome to Zealot!! That's one nice looking Enterprise!! I love aviation, and if you have any models, regardless of medium, feel to post them. Thanks for posting an Introduction too! :)
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Hello everyone.

I'm new to paper model making. I've been making models (mostly aviation and marine) on an off for most of my life, but this has been more around plastic kits with the odd dabble with cardboard flying planes.

I didn't realise that there was such great printable models available on the web until one of my kids had homework to make a model of the Tower of London. Having duly helped to make a cardboard effort with toilet roll centres and old boxes, I subsequently found a great printable model on the Canon site and enjoyed making it.
Given how well that experience went, albeit with mistakes, I looked around to see what else I could try to up my skills and learn more. I found an USS Enterprise model by Ron Caudillo/Alan Sinclair and it looked like a good step up with plenty of challenge. (I like Sci-fi too)
Well... I just finished it this weekend and overall, I'm quite pleased with the learning experience. I think the model was well designed and went together well with good instructions. Again I made mistakes and there was warping of the main dish and other bits where I just rushed sections, but the finished model is a fair representation and is now hanging from my kids ceiling. (Pictures attached)

Moving on then....
What now? The Enterprise was fun but it didn't have too much detail, so I looked around for something which is the next level on again to my eye, and have just started the U-Boot VII C by U-Don.
I'm determined to take this a bit slower and experiment with paper types and up my skill. This is one of the main attractions for me at the moment. If I fluff it up, I can just print off another sheet and start again. (Which I already have done.. :-0 )

Anyway, came by this site by chance and I have been astounded by the level of the contributers on here and hope to gain further inspiration to push me forward.

Welcome to Zealot! Your Enterprise shows great craftmanship.:Drinks: Looking forward to seeing some of other examples of your work. :)

You'll find all sorts of different people from all over the world with varying degrees of talent and a wide variety of interests.

Don't forget to check out our resource section when you've been here for a little bit.

Have a great day!:)

Sky Seeker
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YES! YES to everything you said. Don's U-boat is a marvellous subject. I'd love to see it being built.

The Enterprise looks gorgeous. If the sub comes out in a similar quality you can really be proud of it. One tip in advance: Cut off the tabs on the parts connecting the oval sections of the ship and use paper strips to connect the parts from the back side / from behind. That way you will achieve a completely smooth surface which will boost up the performance tremendously.

I would love to see your toilet paper and boxes attempts. Do you have any pics you could show us, please? I promise, we will not laugh at them. It is just, well, another way to tackle a subject and proves that you could succeed even without relying on printed plans. And it could show the progress you have made in the years.

Anyway, a heartly welcome to the forum!

Have fun and enjoy! :)


P.S.: Nice profile picture, BTW. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, right?
Thank you all for such a warm and positive welcome.

Marcell - Yes. It's Hitchhiker's. Love those books and screen/film adaptations.
Thanks for the tips too. Afraid I don't have any pics of the school project - I had to have a very hands off role just directing and assisting where needed as it wasn't my homework after all! (It didn't fair too well with the adventure to school either)

I will start up a build thread once the U-boat gets fully underway ;)

Attached are a few photos of a plastic kit build I did a few years ago. Its 1/72 stock Airfix. I decided to make a BoB display to show off the two top dogfight fighters of battle.
Homemade plinth from an old shelf and a few hours research to put some context around the airframes and pilots that flew them. I assume that airfix had chosen those particular aircraft because there was reasonable information readily available in the first place. It was almost as much fun making the information board as making the models themselves.


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Hello and welcome to Zealot!

You have come the right place for all things paper and SCI-FI as a whole. We have MANY members who are HUGE sci-fi fans (myself included).
Thank you for sharing a small sample of your work. It looks really good!
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice, please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).
Once again welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
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Welcome Papy Mashy! Like everyone else,Enterprise is amazing, and as a bit of a WW2 buff (who hasn't built anything from this era in ages....) the Spitfire & Merscherchmit look amazing! (You just need to add the Hurricane ;))
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Howdy Papy! Welcome to Zealot! Enterprise did come out nice, and lots of people experience the warp issue also, Revell's suggestion on the tabs is the way to go! There are tons of people here with experience all learning from each other and sharing what we love to do. Feel free to ask questions there is always someone that can help! Share what you are up to! The planes are very nice! I would go with a TA-152-H myself ( just because I like it! ) and the only made about 43 of them.. and as of today there is ONE in existence! Can't wait to see the sub! and again.. Welcome to Zealot!
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Welcome Papy Mashy! Like everyone else,Enterprise is amazing, and as a bit of a WW2 buff (who hasn't built anything from this era in ages....) the Spitfire & Merscherchmit look amazing! (You just need to add the Hurricane ;))
I thought about adding the Hurricane too but where do you stop? ;)
There are so many great planes in this era. I do have quite a soft spot for the twin engine multi-role Mossy and particularly the ME110 in it's nightfighter guise. So awesome in it's all black paint.
Saying that the humble Lysander in SOE role is a great subject. Too many fine aircraft to model. Must stop... I could go on, and on, and on, and on and on....... Cold war, ww1...
Howdy Papy! Welcome to Zealot! Enterprise did come out nice, and lots of people experience the warp issue also, Revell's suggestion on the tabs is the way to go!
Wish I had that advice during the build! Cutting those tabs nearly brought the model to an early unfinished conclusion!
The TA is a fine machine.
I see you are a 'researcher of inter-war vehicles'. The golden age of flight! Spanish civil war has has a wealth of cool vehicles IMO. :)
Wow!! That's some quality work you have shown us. Welcome to Zealot, and very happy to have you aboard!! :)
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