AV-98 Ingram - Patlabor Gundam

With what all has been going on with my personal life, I made a slight mistake.
I did not pay attention to the order of the instructions (at the beginning), and started in the middle (kind of). I have relabeled the instructional photos so that I can get back on track properly.
Here are the photos (of where I started).
20160426_225718.jpg 20160426_225727.jpg 20160426_225735.jpg 20160426_230720.jpg 20160426_230744.jpg 20160426_230906.jpg 20160426_230912.jpg
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Small update!
Here is the stand!
20160509_184901.jpg 20160511_220615.jpg 20160511_223321.jpg 20160511_223326.jpg
I was going to convert the PDF file into a jpeg file (so that I can make the stand look more like a single solid piece), but the PDF is secured. I am thinking of making a different stand for it though (I will wait until I have finished the build as a whole, before I do it).
I am fully open to suggestions and recommendations (especially from those of you who have actually built this model).
I know and it is looking good so far.. I admire those that can dtao figures as I couldnt even do the plastic ones and get em to come out looking proper.
Thank you!
The best piece of advice that I can give you is, TAKE YOUR TIME! Seriously, take your time.There is no reason to rush your build. Also, think through your build. Look through the instructions and map out what you are going to do. If you feel that you are getting frustrated, STOP. Just stop what you are doing, leave everything where it is, get up, walk away, and go have a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, a beer, a shot off alcohol (or whatever you choose), relax and clear your mind. Once you feel better and are ready to return to the project (with a CLEAR MIND) look over what you have done. Evaluate what there is and figure out how to fix it. If you can not, post the problem here on Zealot and let us help you (sometimes a fresh set of eyes or a different perspective helps considerably).
I wish you the best of luck!
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Here is another update. I have finished the lower part of the legs.
IMAG0013.jpg IMAG0014.jpg IMAG0016.jpg IMAG0017.jpg
On to the upper part next.

I have decided that I am not going to use the stand that comes with the kit. Instead, I have decided to use the maintenance bay that Julius has made for it (as a display stand). Here is what it (should) look like once I am (COMPLETELY) finished.

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