Two new Cardassian ships.

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Active Member
Apr 22, 2007
Greenville NC, USA
I spent the last few days working on two new models, which are both Cardassian ships, and coincidentally, the only two other canon Cardassian ships not available as card models yet (D-Whale's Galor and Keldon being the two already available). So here they are, the Groumall type freighter, and the Hideki class "fighter" (its about the same size as the Defiant).

They will be available on my website in a few minutes.
Very nice, Paragon. I particularly like the Hideki's. How do you create these? Do you use the same procedure that I read in your aircraft tutorial thread?
Its...similar. The Groumall was pretty easy, since its all boxes, the Hideki was mostly experimenting with shapes. The backs of the "saucer" were also added to the model after I built it, and then scanned in. The rest of it was very simple though.

Careful with the Hideki, I might need to clean it up some. Somebody post your results and I'll try to use them to iron out the model.
Okay. Thanks. I've made a few aircraft following your thread, and was interested to see if some SF models could be made the same way. I'll give the Hideki a try, then scour the net for some nice starship 3 views.
Great models, Paragon, thanks for made them available, it's nice to see more enemy ships...

Thanks to you and D-WHALE, now we all have the entire canon Cardassian fleet :thumb:
Cool! And with a tweaking of the color, and maybe adding a few greebles, the Cardie freighter can be turned into the Klingon version. :) The Hideki fighter is pretty cool, too!

How about some of the other Dominion ships? The Jem'Hadar battleship and the Breen Battleship are sorely lacking in the paper ship community.
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