Tortoise & Power


Nov 17, 2004
Katy, TX
Howdy all,

Quick question to clarify something for me.

I'm planning on using tortoise switch boxes for my upcoming layout, about 20 of them.

I have a 12V power adaptor I got from Radio Shack to use with my old Atlas remote turnouts. Can I use that same 12V supply to power all the tortoise boxes? or do they require something specific for power?

I plan on using this wiring diagram to build control panels as well if it matters:

I use a 9v 500ma AC Adapter – Radio Shack 273-1651D to supply power for my home made Torty and LED power supplies. I drive my LEDs at just short of 4v DC and the Torties at about 7v. This produces a great slow motion and I have never had any problems with either the LEDs or the Torties. I have currently 8 Torties in operation with 4 more to go. The advantage of the power supply other than control over the voltage? The source is isolated from the usage.

12 volt should not be a problem, but your Torties will move along quickly. :)
Use of a "wall wart" sounds like a good idea esp as I have plenty of them around. I powered the ones on my lower hidden level with DCC stationary decoders so I could call up routes with macros but plan on conventional power for the upper visible level.