Something New :)

N Gauger

1:20.3 Train Addict
Dec 20, 2000
South Eastern, PA
Just added another "User Field" to everyone's Profile.....

~~~~~ Scale/Gauge
~~~~~ Scale or Gauge I'm interested in or model in

It can be filled in on your User CP (Link at upper Left of page)

CLick on Edit Profile (at left) and scroll to the bottom of the page.

FIll it in and whenever anyone clicks on your profile, they will be able to see what scales (Gauges) you are interested in.

If you don't want to fill it in - It's not mandatory. :) :)

I thought we could just use it as a reference guide :)

If you want to see what it will look like, click my name & click "View Public Profile" and look at the bottom left of the page.

And, yes - if you have any comments - reply here :D :D

~~ See Ya!!!