Profile Morskie


New Member
Sep 26, 2005
Hi all,

A few weeks ago I ordered several PDF drawings from Profile Morskie's new service to sell ship drawings and books in PDF form via E-mail. I first asked for the sample drawing of the USS Porter, wich they sent imidiately. The ordered drawings, wich I payed with Paypal, did, until now, not arrive !! (promised delivery time within 48 hours). I e-mailed them already three times about my order, no response from them.
Does somebody else on the board has the same experience with Profile Morkskie. I ordered before from them, and never had a problem, the orders were always delivered, until now.

As I am aware it was (is?) a problem with SPAM system which probably has not been resolved yet.I know people who were waiting for 2 or more weeks but they finally have received PDFs.
Yes Padre, that's the one, you can get it for free at Profile Morskie's website!!


By the way I received the PDF files today, I ordered, great quality, worth the wait !!!
