

New Member
Sep 28, 2005
Sheffield UK
My first build of this year (yeah I'm really quick these days). Anyways its Pegasus from Canon 3D Papercraft - Seasons & Holidays. Made in 90gsm paper and 50% reduction, although Adobe said 68% as I was printing it out. The paper was half the original size so its 50%.

Picture 127a.jpg

Picture 128a.jpg

Picture 129a.jpg

Picture 130a.jpg

I think the re-scaling might have upset something as the saddle that covers the wing joint is not a very good fit but as it is hidden in normal view I can live with it.

wow! very nice :) my kids are looking over my shoulder and are asking me to make one ;)
you built a very nice model.
I planned to design a pegasus model, in similar pose in futur, but animals are difficult to draw.. this creature is really magnifical!

I just used ordinary copy paper, I think it prints out with a creamy tinge to it can't remember now. Looking at my model I can still see some of the outline edges and they are an orangey pinky colour with some of that colour in the ribs of the primary feathers on the wings.

Hi Bill,
I'm planning to build a pegasus and thinking about scaling it down too. You said you reduced it by 50%, would you tell me how tall is it? Thanks and you did a wonderfull work.
Happy new year to all of you.
Built size is about 6 inches tall with a 10 inch wing span. I have since found out that it is not 50% reduction but is about 80% so a true 50% will be a bit smaller.

Thanks for the nice comments and a happy new year to you and yours.

Dito to all paper modellers of this group.
