my first design (DON"T POINT AND LAUGH)

the micromodels builder

Card Model Designer
Jan 17, 2007
Here is my first card model for you to download(that doesn't require modifications)it's the flying hamburger diesel engine!
It is not easy to get into 3 dimensions from 2. You are doing just fine and will get better each time you do another model. Keep up on this one, you are progressing fine,:grin: nice to see others working on trains also.:roll: when you have it done i would be happy to add it to my collection.
Good start in your designing future! I think anyone who tries to create something from nothing deserves nothing but encouragement. Your confidence and skills will improve faster than you can know.

Best regards,
Ron Caudillo
here it is

Here is my "ultimate design" enjoy!
I've also designed 2 more german streamliners which I'll be posting very soon:) I'm also designing my own "Coronation Scot" locomotive design!