Lepaj's Site Location BABYLON 5 Models

Thank you zathros for the link to these great models! Is anyone else having trouble opening the PDO files for the starfuries? The hyperion, and Whitestar PDO files open with no problem. The black omega, and escort president starfuries seem to be textures for recoloring/repainting. I have Pepakura Viewer 3. The ones I am having trouble with are sa-25 badger, SA-32 Thunderbolt, and sa-18 tiger.
I sent him a P.M., he's a member here. I am having the same problem. Let's wait till he answers, he doesn't need a bunch of people sending him the same info. I'll keep you updated as soon as I find out what's going on. Thanks. :)
Found a work around. Just rename the files. I named them "1", "2", "3,", keeping the .pdo, obviously, etc, and they all opened right up. Worked perfectly. So, it should like like 1.pdo , 2.pdo, or whatever name you choose, then .pdo :)
I would like to thank everyone on this topic, I have been wanting to do the Babylon 5 models for some years, and this is a good reason to start some. I know its difficult from English to Russian, even more so for Americans to understand Russian.

but I want to convey my thanks to Lepaj

for authoring these.
and to Zathros who always works hard for us at this site.
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Thank you zathros! It worked! I have a starfury I found some where, but it doesn't look as good as these, and it doesn't have a cockpit. I would also like to thank Lepaj for making these fantastic models and sharing them.
Hey thanks Zathros for these links. I also concur with spaceagent for all you do with this site. It's sure a lot to keep up with.

Sky Seeker
Hey Everyone! I was talking with Chadepotts and he had a question on any additional links. Which got me thinking... ok we know what b5 models are out there already, but which ones have not been done yet.

So I've come up with a few things and a couple of research links for background info.

https://web.archive.org/web/20060623080208/http://dpileggispicks.com/models.html - this link took some time to hunt down when I found the archived original I shared it with others on Zealot.

http://scincepaper.ucoz.com/news/babylon_5/1-0-1 -

This has the maintenance fury, breaching pod, x-omega, hyperion, warlock destroyer, battlecrab (shadow vessel), Nova dreadnaught, Omega destroyer, raider fighter, aurora starfury presidential escort, Black Omega starfury, Thunderbolt starfury (the one that flies in atmosphere Season 2), whitestar, and other staryfury variants.

Still missing the following for construction:

Centauri Primus

Centauri Vorchan!!

Centauri Shuttle


Centauri Brezebel Transport


Centauri Scarab Transport


Narn - BIN'TAK Dreadnaught


Narn - T´LOTH Class Assault Cruiser


Narn - TH´NOR Class Cruiser (canon ?)


Liandra (from legend of the rangers)


Valen Cruiser (from legend of the rangers)


Another Valen Class Cruiser - From Lost tales


The First Ones (you see those guys in season 4, one of them the Walkers of Sigma 957 are in season 1 - Together they can take out a Vorlon planet killer):


Upper left: Torvalus - Dark Knife; Lower left: Kirishiac Lordship; Center: Walkers of Sigma 957; Lower Left: Triad Triumviron; Upper left: Mindriders - Thoughtforce

Walkers of Sigma 957

Kirishiac Lordship,

Mindriders - Thoughtforce


The Triad - Triumviron


Torvalus - Dark Knife


Here's some sites with misc info:


http://b5tech.com/oldb5tech/ - The Mother Lode!!


I'm sure that there are many more ships I have not included (like the Drakh).

As you can see there's a LOT of ships that have NOT been built yet in the paper model world.

I hope this helps!

Sky Seeker
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Some additional ships that should be constructed:

Minbari - Sharlin Class War Cruiser

Minbari - Tinashi Class Frigate


Minbari - Lintira Class Transport

Minbari - Glider Transport


Brakiri - Cruiser


Drazi - Sun Hawk


Drazi - Sky Serpent


Vree - Xorr Class Cruiser - FOUND!!


Vree - Xill Class Saucer


Lumati (B5 - S2E12 - Acts of Sacrifice)


Earth Alliance

EA - Crew Shuttle

EA - Skylark Class Transport

EA - Icarus


EA - Asimov Class Luxury Liner


EA - Explorer Class


EA - Olympus Class Corvette


EA - Cotton Class Tender


Shadow - Scout


Shadow - Fighter


Alien ship - B5 S5E4 - odd ships from a race not seen again


Let's see if we can find some more and build / design a B5 armada!

Sky Seeker
what I need is the build pics or instructions for an omega class destroyer, please.


Did you get the Omega destroyer from the Zealot site which is Jaybat's design or somewhere else? If you got Jaybat's the picture is at top of the pdf with the templates, but the rest has to filled in with pics you find on the net. That's what I had to do with the Prometheus model. I was planning on building this one next anyway after I'm done with the Defender and some of my other work projects. What I could do though is stop work on the Defender for the time being and start on the Omega. Maybe I could help fill some of the gaps that way. Probably worth starting a new thread. What do you think?

Sky Seeker
actually I found out what the problem was, on the aft main engines, is that they have to be scratch built a different way than the actual printed out part. it might be ok the way it is but I cant make sense out of it. so I rolled it and trimmed and it came out kind of a lopsided humped cone, I turn the hump out so it looks like a diamond cone, on each of the 4 engines and it looks ok. I am taking pics, and will show it. if you want to do a build thread too, I would like that! mine is a black and white printed out sheets, and I am catching up on these practice builds. the reason is my medical procedures are taking up so much of my time, I just decided to focus on building these printed out sheets while I attend to this medical stuff.so reducing my piles of printed models, and then just building one at a time, hopefully as big as I can get it, and lit up with leds, is my goal.
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actually I found out what the problem was, on the aft main engines, is that they have to be scratch built a different way than the actual printed out part. it might be ok the way it is but I cant make sense out of it. so I rolled it and trimmed and it came out kind of a lopsided humped cone, I turn the hump out so it looks like a diamond cone, on each of the 4 engines and it looks ok. I am taking pics, and will show it. if you want to do a build thread too, I would like that! mine is a black and white printed out sheets, and I am catching up on these practice builds. the reason is my medical procedures are taking up so much of my time, I just decided to focus on building these printed out sheets while I attend to this medical stuff.so reducing my piles of printed models, and then just building one at a time, hopefully as big as I can get it, and lit up with leds, is my goal.


I'll see what I can do. Hope you feel better and get well soon.

Sky Seeker
Whatever you do, don't do it in t his thread. This is only for Lepaj's models. I suggest you start a build thread, and always start a "new" build thread for each model you make. :)
Whatever you do, don't do it in t his thread. This is only for Lepaj's models. I suggest you start a build thread, and always start a "new" build thread for each model you make. :)

Ok Zathros. I was going to do that anyway, but thanks for the confirmation on procedure.

Have a great day!

Sky Seeker
I think that Omega from the link up there deserves a model of mention or something, I mean he did scratch build it right?
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