Enlarge ModelArt 1/72 scale models to 1/48 scale easily


Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
Central Florida, USA
Modelart 1/72 scale model files are organized so there is 2 sections per page. Enlarging the parts pages to 1/48 (or 1/50 scale) is a simple matter of adjusting a couple settings on the .pdf print screen using the current version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.


On the print screen (as shown below), set the paper size as "legal". Click on the "Poster" box (see the top red arrow) and change the "Tile Scale" to 150% (see the bottom red arrow). Specify which page or pages you want printed and then click on the "Print" button. Your printer should print out each page half as a full page with the parts enlarged to 1/48 scale. Setting the "Tile Scale" to 144% enlarges to 1/50 scale.

Screenshot 2023-07-30 144841.png