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  1. N

    HELP!! (with my new n-scale layout)

    You guys are a lot of help! I barrowed about 10 books out of my library. I think I'm off to a good start! I have a few paint colours picked out to mix as a base coat. I'll let you know how things go!
  2. N

    HELP!! (with my new n-scale layout)

    i have maybe 4'x4' area. There are some really wierd spaces to it! I'll get a pic and show you guys. Probably later today.
  3. N

    HELP!! (with my new n-scale layout)

    Thanks guys for showing that you are soo interested in helping me! I wanted to do a village and farm area. I just don't know how to get started.
  4. N

    HELP!! (with my new n-scale layout)

    Hey, I just started this new hobby, and i need help. I really don't know what I'm doing. I have a smaller layout and i dont really want any hills or that sort o' fancy stuff. I just want some flat ground. That doesn't look like painted plywood!! Does anybody have any ideas?:)