Zuikaku 1:200 GPM (finished)

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SUPER !!!! This is an excellent example of patience and it shows you have mastered card modeling. I hope to be half as good as you some day.
SUPER !!!! This is an excellent example of patience and it shows you have mastered card modeling. I hope to be half as good as you some day.
Thank You for all compliments. :grin: It will mobilize me to build more beatiful cardmodels. :-D

The hull is effect of an experiment. I tryed to build one without colapsing hullplates. Spaces between the frames are filed with car putty supported by cardstock strips. Maybe those photos will be helpful.

Flat surfaces of the hull were covered with added cardstock plates.

Sanded hull was covered with paper. There is no paints.

I'm no more using this method. Now I'm building next aircraft carrier USS Saratoga CV-3, and the hull is wholly card/paper one.

It gives very good results.


Thank You for all compliments. :grin: It will mobilize me to build more beatiful cardmodels. :-D

The hull is effect of an experiment. I tryed to build one without colapsing hullplates. Spaces between the frames are filed with car putty supported by cardstock strips. Maybe those photos will be helpful.

Flat surfaces of the hull were covered with added cardstock plates.

Sanded hull was covered with paper. There is no paints.

I'm no more using this method. Now I'm building next aircraft carrier USS Saratoga CV-3, and the hull is wholly card/paper one.

It gives very good results.


Very I am astonished with your work. Buy east model and the Lexington for a long time but I have not been prepared to begin them.
Very I am interested in knowledge that material you used for the helmet (the white filling that there is between the cardboard pieces.
It is a material that you bought with that form or you made it your?
I thank for but details to you, by this thread or my p.m.

Sincerely it is the best model than I have seen mounted until now.
Very I am astonished with your work. Buy east model and the Lexington for a long time but I have not been prepared to begin them.
Very I am interested in knowledge that material you used for the helmet (the white filling that there is between the cardboard pieces.
It is a material that you bought with that form or you made it your?
I thank for but details to you, by this thread or my p.m.

Sincerely it is the best model than I have seen mounted until now.
Very nice model, are you sure it's made from card/paper? Just kidding. I hope my JSC Invincible looks as half has good as this.
Very nice model, are you sure it's made from card/paper? Just kidding. I hope my JSC Invincible looks as half has good as this.
I have been away from the forum for a little while, and when I finally checked in, I find this masterpiece staring at me. You solved the hull problem I've been dealing with on my Pennsylvania. I thought about filling in between the bulkheads with cardstock, and now I sincerely wish I had. This is a beautiful ship. Thank you for sharing it with us!:grin: :grin: :grin:
I would deeply appreciate an article on your techniques because the results of your methods are the most striking I've ever seen. You have eliminated all the drawbacks of paper. Your hull is perfect!

Thanks for the pictures that show how you make that excellent hull.

After I look at the pictures, my jaw just dropped and it was hard to bring up again. :twisted:

In your picture, it seems that you made your own 'cover part' for each 'between frames'. Is this correct?

I'd like to know more details how you make your own 'accurate cover part' and how you attach them as in picture.



Excuse me my poor english :eek:ops:
I saw already better models, I don't think that Zuikaku is something special.
Many parts could be done more accurate, and there is many things to learn for me.
I appreciate Your compliments, Thank You ones more :grin:

It's difficult for me to explain in few words how to make with this method (one of many) a good hull. I thing the best sollution is new thread. I'll show step by step how I'm building new hull. It'll be soon and I hope You'll find in it something interesting.

jnyoun, I'm using 'transparent paper' :twisted: Detailed instruction comming soon, please, be patient.


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