Yard Scenes


New Member
Mar 15, 2007
announce1New challenge for y'all: freight yards! It must have more than one loco and more than 2 tracks.announce1
Hey there Justin. Its always great when people have a suggestion to get the ball rolling! Thanks. You talkin' prototype, model, or either? By the way, do you have one to start us off with? Yard scenes should be a big draw!
Well heck, I'm just gonna post one! :)


Here's the small yard that supports my layout's car float operation. It usually isn't this full of locos. I took this picture a while ago as a company shot gathering all of the equipment I'd lettered for my freelanced road.

:eek: wow! can you got a top down shot of that? I'm looking for inspiration for my yard :mrgreen:.

I'll try to remember to do that with my next roll of film. Actually its a pretty simple design, a siding on the main with three ladder tracks and a long lead for the car float.

Great Northern numbers 1187 & 744 a 2-8-0 and rather long in the tooth 4-8-0 give two whistle blast's before leaving the yards in Mpls Junction for Wilmar Minn.


  • 2 Blast's of the whistle_edited-1.jpg
    2 Blast's of the whistle_edited-1.jpg
    177.1 KB · Views: 46
Well, since I was in a train yard...

...the other day...in Allentown, Pennsylvania...


I'm still scratching my head- BNSF, Norfolk Southern? Wha happen???:eek:

nuts, my yard only has two tracks!

I was at union station in Warshington a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, it was night and I had no idea the trackwork around it was so complicated.
