XP-72 Ultrabolt

The progress in that era would make new models obsolete when they were produced! Dialog with you is always engaging, I also agree, I bet it was more reliable. For an engine that was not commercially accepted, and considered a "commercial failure", 18,697 of those the R4360 "Wasp Majors" were built. With a T.B.O. of 600 hrs. on these engines, it is east to see why they are considered high maintenance. Reading the "Wiki" on this, it is mentioned that all 56 Spark Plugs could be easily fouled!:eek: I get bummed when my Suzuki fouls one spark plug. I imagine a C.D.I. ignition would have help with. that I always wondered why they never considered developing hydraulic lifters on these engines. Of course, I am not an engineer, so maybe there's a good reason. :)
Well the first draft of the completed instructions just came in from Robert. I only noticed a few minor things that need to be fixed and after I make up a cover sheet the model will be ready for sale!
Let us know. The requirement for a build/slash design thread has been met, please post a link to whom who you are retailing it through! Thanks! :)
Almost ready

I think just about all the details of the kit have been taken care of, except the all important details with the vendors. But since I'm taking scouts to scout camp tomorrow morning and there is no cell signal or internet connection it's going to have to wait about a week or more.

But here are the front and back cover sheets to wet your appetites.


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When it's ready, will you please put a direct link to Mike's (Gremir's) shop, then to ECardmodels?

As an aside: This is the exact way and format that a link to a commercial is to be posted. Wilja has made a great design and build thread, and he is an active participant in this forum. This is a textbook example of what it takes to post to a commercial site here, an excellent member, doing excellent work. I thank Wilja for doing this. This is the standard to follow. This is how it's done :thumb:

This thread will be a STICKY for a while, so that some others will see how it needs to be done, and also because this is one bad a$$ model!!
Just sent the files out so look for an announcement from Gremir within the next week followed 1 week later by E-Cardmodels. I will be going out of town for work so may not have a internet connection when that happens but will post a link as soon as I can.

And for your viewing pleasure Robert test built the contra rotating prop.

You may notice that the anti-glare panel on the cowl below is olive drab and the other model photos all have black panels. A month ago I went looking for reference once again and although I didn't find any new period stuff a bunch of resin models had been built in the 3 years since i started the project, all of which had the olive drab anti-glare panels. Too late for the test build but at least I found out in time to correct the model.


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That is awesome looking. I can't imagine what it would feel to power up something like that up into the Heavens! :)
I had a chance to play around with a real P-47 once. Awesome plane, and happy to see someone continuing to admire them.

I look forward to the day I can play around with a Ultrabolt ;)