WIP - Admiral Nakhimov - scale 1:200 from Dom Bumagi

Hello and good afternoon to all paper modelers !!

Here following are some new pics of the Admiral Nakhimov model, where I have added all the upper bridge railings, most of the secondary quick-firing guns and some other components of the superstructures. have also modified the upper deck wings inclination making them more "flat" than before.. it was not so simple to do but I'm quite satisfied for the new look.
Now, to complete all the upper bridge, I have to add some stairs, binnacles, compasses and searchlights.
After this I'll start to complete the military masts and I'll continue with the railings on the main bridge and start with boats and steam launches to position on their own posts (with all the cranes installed)

Here the pics

Have a nice paper modeling time and stay safe !!!








Looking really superb!! :)
Great model!! I am writing a build and I wonder how you maage to get your pictures in the text. I have clicked the "Attach Files" but then the pictures appear at the end of the text.
Great model!! I am writing a build and I wonder how you maage to get your pictures in the text. I have clicked the "Attach Files" but then the pictures appear at the end of the text.

Ya attach files, then type your text.
Place the curser where you want the picture,
20201002_152709_resized.jpg click either thumbnail (as I've done here,

or full image,
20201002_152709_resized.jpg as here.

I only added one picture but the technique is the same.
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