what materials to use?


New Member
May 17, 2013

This question has probably been asked a lot, but what materials do I use for my models?

I recently started building models for Warhammer 40k and other tabletop wargames. I mainly use foamcore and drawing paper, because its stronger than normal paper but still easy to cut and glue.

Since I play games with them the models need to be able to withstand the rough and thumble of the moment.

I could use plasticcard but I want to keep it low budget at the moment since I'm still learning and make a lot of mistakes.

As adhesives I use PDA and gluesticks.

Any responce would be greatly appreciated.

I use heavy posterboard as formers and backing to strengthen my models. All of my warhammer vehicles are sturdy and can withstand constant use, but just like the palstic models, you still have to treat them the same. Click on my avatar and then on my profile page, If you check out my threads, check on all threads built by silveroxide. You will come across many 40K builds. enjoy and see you around the forum.

BTW, I removed you extra posting as per your request.
Zeebeest, I see that you are from Belgium. I too live in Europe.
I use 180gsm (grams per square meter) (depending on the size of your models, you may want to go heavier or lighter) cardstock for most of my builds.
You should be able to get it through most office supply stores or paper shops.

As for clue, I use PVA (white school glue). I would also suggest testing the different glues that you have access to in your area and see what works well for you.

Good luck with your projects. I look forward to seeing your work.