What era draws your attention the most?

What era catches your attention when other people model it?

  • early-mid 19th century

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • late 19th century

    Votes: 9 7.2%
  • early 20th century...pre-USRA

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • WW1-WW2

    Votes: 30 24.0%
  • transition Era

    Votes: 37 29.6%
  • later 20th century

    Votes: 16 12.8%
  • modern

    Votes: 26 20.8%

  • Total voters
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Actually they were televised in a limited way. http://www.tvhistory.tv/1936 German Olympics TV Program.htm

I think it was in Carl Sagan's novel "Contact" in which the aliens realize we're in trouble because they pick up on the TV images of Hitler broadcast into space? Remembering that novel made me think there might possibly be some truth to the thought that TV was used for that event. A little Google search revealed a few confirming sources.

I didn't forget the Depression, I just didn't put it on my list...! ;)

The technology that made early television possible was developed in the 1920s. The US had at least three commercial broadcasts up and running in the late 1920s - Washington, D.C., NYC, and Schenectady, NY.

NBC began regular broadcasts beginning with the opening of the 1939 World's Fair in NYC. CBS had beat them by 8 years, beginning in 1931. In the UK, BBC went on the air in 1932.

Admittedly, the audience was small and urban, but it was the beginning of TV as we know it today.

Now in Canada, we had to wait a bit longer - CBC did not start into TV until 1952.


Then they are guilty of treason against the governments of the Allied nations for withholding that technology during wartime.

I've seen the images available to the military during WWII and they were extremely poor despite the best efforts of scientist and technicians to develop better imaging systems. If you want to see those images yourself, go to the military archives and look up the images recorded from television targeting systems employed in Project Aphrodite - yeah, the one that got Joe Kennedy killed.

I have also done a preliminary search of news data bases for the 20's and can find no mention of television, which surely would have been an incredible achievement.

I saw my first television set at Fort Hamilton, New York in 1951 when my family returned from post-war Germany; it was just beginning to make it's appearance on the civilian markets in large enough numbers to be commercially available to the Army post. The staff said they had had their set for just over a year at the time.

I suspect the theory may have been known, but little more, just as the theory of a nuclear reaction was around for a long time before it became possible to cause one.

In any event, that is all military history and I belong to a forum elsewhere that it dedicated to discussing nothing else but that.

Back to trains.
Then they are guilty of treason against the governments of the Allied nations for withholding that technology during wartime.

I've seen the images available to the military during WWII and they were extremely poor despite the best efforts of scientist and technicians to develop better imaging systems.

I suspect that developing mobile / lighter weight television cameras and transmission technology was likely more difficult than developing the same for a static studio / transmission facility.

I'll admit that is pure speculation though.

Then they are guilty of treason against the governments of the Allied nations for withholding that technology during wartime.

I've seen the images available to the military during WWII and they were extremely poor despite the best efforts of scientist and technicians to develop better imaging systems. If you want to see those images yourself, go to the military archives and look up the images recorded from television targeting systems employed in Project Aphrodite - yeah, the one that got Joe Kennedy killed.

I have also done a preliminary search of news data bases for the 20's and can find no mention of television, which surely would have been an incredible achievement.

I saw my first television set at Fort Hamilton, New York in 1951 when my family returned from post-war Germany; it was just beginning to make it's appearance on the civilian markets in large enough numbers to be commercially available to the Army post. The staff said they had had their set for just over a year at the time.

I suspect the theory may have been known, but little more, just as the theory of a nuclear reaction was around for a long time before it became possible to cause one.

In any event, that is all military history and I belong to a forum elsewhere that it dedicated to discussing nothing else but that.

Back to trains.

Following the tvhistory link provided by Ralph yields: http://www.tvhistory.tv/pre-1935.htm

The "scanning disk" TV, a mechanical "forerunner" to the CRT was available in 1928. So the technology to develop it (along with theories, etc) was clearly available in the 1920s.

Whether or not any of these companies (at least in the US) committed treason seems highly debatable, considering these were consumer products widely available for years prior to WW2...

Given that the technology was not made available to the War Department, treason is exactly what it was.
I voted for the transition era because I think the F7A is the most iconic of all engines. ;)

Btw, models of F7's (and other F units) are among the relatively inexpensive in the hobby. Even if we consider high end products such as the Athearn Genesis F7A, it's still less expensive compared to an Athearn Genesis steam engine.
I guess we get attached to some nostalgia. :) I also like steam, so I chose the transition period. But I never realized that it was a sad moment for steam until now. :(

I also liked propeller driven monoplanes, and I'll probably hang a DC3 or DC7 on my layout. The jet age is gearing up in the transition period, too. But I didn't get to like the jet passenger planes.
I guess we get attached to some nostalgia. :) I also like steam, so I chose the transition period. But I never realized that it was a sad moment for steam until now. :(

I also liked propeller driven monoplanes, and I'll probably hang a DC3 or DC7 on my layout. The jet age is gearing up in the transition period, too. But I didn't get to like the jet passenger planes.

Not just steam, but a range of things in American history: the ending of architectural elegance and decoration, the beginning decline of true rural America, the decline and often deterioration of American traditional values, the crowding and destruction of huge chunks of America for industry and the dawn of housing tracts blotting the once beautiful countryside, and above all, the adventure, romance and willingness to take risks that made America so special in it's early railroad history. With the coming of diesels, we see the decline and death of many railroads, tracks torn out, small towns left to wither and die without a lifeline and the conquest of pure commercialism for it's own sake.

Only my opinion, but I wonder what we really gained in the end.
Weird - according to the posting date shown in the index, I posted here last on 2/23/09, but that post was actually made on 11/28/08? :confused:
Weird - according to the posting date shown in the index, I posted here last on 2/23/09, but that post was actually made on 11/28/08? :confused:

Mountain Man, I've noticed your phantom posts as well. I've clicked on threads a number of times in which the index says you've posted on the current day, but in the thread I recognize your post from months ago...as the date says. It doesn't show you as having edited it either.

The phantom posts usually have your screen name attached...so apparently the server really likes you :rolleyes:
Mountain Man, I've noticed your phantom posts as well. I've clicked on threads a number of times in which the index says you've posted on the current day, but in the thread I recognize your post from months ago...as the date says. It doesn't show you as having edited it either.

The phantom posts usually have your screen name attached...so apparently the server really likes you :rolleyes:

This more than a little strange, since only the System Admin has that kind of access.

This comment was actually posted yesterday, not this morning as now labeled, and it refuses to be quoted.

Time stamp of this post for future validation is 0904MST02/27/09 local.

What's going on, system admin? And why select me?

The forum has done it again. This post, allegedly made "today", is in fact dated almost 3 weeks ago.
And it continues. The index says that the above statement was posted "today", which is also incorrect.

What in the devil is going on with this forum?
I see there is still no reply, but the incorrect time hack continues. The index incorrectly states that I last posted yesterday when, in fact, I have been out of town and off the 'net for the last four days.

This message posted 04/'02/09 - 2257 MST
Index once again showing my last post as today's current reply - note the time hack: 04/02/09.

Note also still no response from forum administration about why this happens. I'm guessing that it's an automatic function designed to give the appearance of an active forum when nothing is posted for a certain amount of time.

This post: 04/21/09 1223 MST
Stil showing this as a current post, although it is now one week old, and no reply from the system admin. About what I expected.

Time hack: 04/27/09 1123 MST
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