What are you reading now?

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James Axler's Deathlands #40 Nightmare Passage

It's exactly the same as the last 39, just the bad guy has a different name.

Not sure why I torture myself tbh.
I currently read the teenage mutant ninja turtles book. I found out that Master Splinter is a mutant rat.
I'm reading "Quiet Strength" by an ex-NFL football coach named Tony Dungy. A great read so far...
I am currently reading Pet Sematary by Stephen King. I am on page 203 and so far am enjoying it a lot. I recommend it.
This days I've been reading Planet of Exile by Ursula K. Le Guin (1966).

This is the third time I read it, and it gets better each time.

Something that always happens to me when reading to Le Guin is that I never like her books at the first reading because they aren't easy to approach. But the second and third times I re-read each of her books I enjoy them a lot.
I'm reading:

The Lucifer Code by Charles Brokaw

at the moment. A sequel to:

The Atlantis Code.
I am reading the Bartameus Trilogy. Sort of an opposite harry potter.
Defiantly wroth a read. I am mostly fantasy my self.

Have you read the Iron tower dualagy? A hugely ripped off Tolkien, but basically takes a good series and makes it better. To tell the truth, I like the Iron Tower better.
Denis L McKerinin(spelling?)
I highly recommend it just for the Dwarves, the Warrells(halfings trhat are more warlike)
I have read it twice and will read it again. Almost all of DLM stuff is Great.
Got get it if you have not.
I have read the entire Hardy Boys series, Most of the Edge Chronicles series, Some of the Star Trek S.C.E. (Starfleet corps of engineers) books, several Star trek T.N.G. (The next generation) books and the millennium falcon (Star wars) book.
The Lord 'Ramage' series by Dudley Pope; out of print and hard to find, but my wife and I stumbled across a complete set at a used bookstore. Brilliant 'adventuring' stories about a British Naval officer in the French/Napoleonic wars. It bring to mind the pulp classics and is quite entertaining.
Not sure if it counts:
"Getting started in Electronics" (Forrest Mims)
Lost it a long time ago, got it cheap from amazon marketplace. Re-Reading now.
So much fun, its like a cartoon explainging electronics.
Practical Electronics for Inventors

I took "electronics 101" in college around 15 years ago. I'm a little disappointed that I never followed up on it. I finally decided to delve a little deeper. It's been like a "splinter in my mind" over the years. I finally decided to try and learn enough to at least experiment.

Science Of Discworld 3 by Terry Pratchett and Beneath the Bleeding by Val McDermid (One for home and the other for my Lunch Break!)
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