What are you reading now?

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New Member
Mar 21, 2010
Hello. Besides papercrafting, I also love reading very much, especially books of fantasy genre.
The book I'm reading now is Mist of Avalon - the first book in the Avalon series of Marion Zimmer Bradley.
So what kinds of book are you into? And which book is in your reading list?
Mind recommend me any good books of fantasy genre?
Currently? Manga drawing books. I'm trying to get better at drawing manga. Besides that? I'm hoping that it won't be too much longer before the fourth book of the Inheritance Series (third sequel of the book Eragon) comes out. (Oh and I shouldn't forget to mention reading Star Trek books all the time!)
Right now I'm reading "Chariots of the Gods"
It involves the hypothesis that the technologies and religions of ancient civilizations were given to them by aliens.
(Pyramids were made with help from aliens, etc.)
About the only thing i read anymore is a comic book now in then... don't buy them but read the bookstore doesn't mind if read the books there so I'd read one everytime I go while the gf goes around the shopping center...

Still a bit lost and behind. Just finished up the Marvel Civil War erra.
Right now rereading the Aubrey-Maturin saga by Patrick O'Brian. I'm up to "The Surgeon's Mate" which is number 7(?) out of 20. If you haven't read these yet I highly recommend them. :thumb:

i was reading Stephen R. Donaldson's Complete Thomas Covenant Chronicles
but i couldn't make it past the first book. i can honestly say that i've never given up on a series of books but the first one was just so painful that i had zero desire to see anymore. the author wrote the main character as a worthless pain in the ass and gives you zero reason to care about him or his mission worst book i've read in a very long time.

anywho so i decided to start the legends of dune trilogy today. i suspect that these will be a lot better.
Just finished reading Anathem by Neal Stephenson. Brilliant work; imaginative and crafted in a way only Stephenson can seem to write.

Started into Shadowmarch by Tad Williams, which appears to be a neat high-fantasy. I loved his Otherland series, but his fantasy is quite good.
I have been re-reading the Dresden Files over the month, i read too fast anymore... i am back up to Changes :)
I am reading a tutorial book of 3D MAX modelling, because I am a professional Graphic designer so I always like to increase my knowledge by reading more and more tutorials.
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