Wanted: Need a vict... er VOLUNTEER!


Jun 17, 2008
I have ripped a sketchup model of the U.S.S Cygnus from the movie "The Black Hole"
It has been put into Pepakura, but I have slowly found out that I do not have the patience or the know how to put the pieces together to make it a good and practical model, so that is why if someone out there is a wizard with Pepakura, I will send the files to you.
Once done, credit for the final will be given to the sketchup maker, the ripper (Me :wave:) and the assembler(You:yesyes:) and will be put on site for free.

Thankfully yours,

Mike a.ka. Vortex4200
There are some really good people with Pepekura on this forum. I am not one of them. I have copied the work to the clipboard, then opened with XNViewMP and used Pepakura for instructions, but generally speaking, I stay away with anything done by Pepakura, except figures(figurines?) which it does very well. ;)

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If someone has a program that can do the job better, that would be fine with me, I just think it would really be cool just to build this model :)
Sketchup model was not the best in the world. Meshes inside meshes and the like but took a few minutes broke down all the block instances from my import, and then took and exploded all the various parts so that they would unfold if some-one wants to do this in Pepakura, I have the file as a pdo and .obj w/ textures .. but I would re-do the textures especially the fluorescent YELLOW for the translucent panels to something closer to the original! Whom ever want's PM me and I will zip this up and place on google drive folder for you!

PS. this will almost have to be a LARGE model!
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Sounds like a "Block Hole" of a project. Yvette Mimieux was my teenage fantasy. Not in that movie but the way she looked in "The Time Machine".....Something special about her, I think it was the way she looked......................

She aged really well too, she got older, but never "hit the wall", if you know what I mean..........................................:)

She really had a pretty face. :)

yvette-mimieux-vintage.jpg yvette-mimieux.jpg YM1.jpg
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AHH, The Time Machine. Such a fantastic classic. Great actors, gorgeous colours, bombastic score, from an era of film making that spawned so many great movies which truly withstand the test of time. That era will never come again.

@zathros: Now I'll tell you something about Yvette: Legally she was not allowed at all to make "The Time Machine"! She lied about her age: She was abouty 17 when shooting began, however, when the makers found that out (after the premiere) she had already gotten 18. ;)

AHEM... The Black Hole... AHEM............ There is something coming in 1/6......


She looked quite illegal. She was a peach, almost ready to pick. :)
AHH, The Time Machine. Such a fantastic classic. Great actors, gorgeous colours, bombastic score, from an era of film making that spawned so many great movies which truly withstand the test of time. That era will never come again.

@zathros: Now I'll tell you something about Yvette: Legally she was not allowed at all to make "The Time Machine"! She lied about her age: She was abouty 17 when shooting began, however, when the makers found that out (after the premiere) she had already gotten 18. ;)

AHEM... The Black Hole... AHEM............ There is something coming in 1/6......

View attachment 159696

MU$$t $$t0P dRo0lLinG oN k3YboARd
I agree it will have to be at least 4 foot long to make for a good model...
Yep... just need someone to step up and do it! The .obj file using pepakura should be a snap, as I broke it down to just about all flat rectangles ( just about ) and some of the parts can just be deleted and replaced with wire and looking at this model it would call for a set of aluminum knitting needles or such... if you are even a bit familiar with pepakura you could do this model!
My favorite real version.. sort-a like all my stuff needs a HARD CORE NUT JOB , to scratch build all the tinny pieces and take the five to ten years to do so...
Cygnus.jpg no textures..
HOLYMOLYFANTABULCIOUSFRAKKINFANTASTICOLLOSSUS!!!! :surprise: You haven't only rendered a model view, you have rendered me speechless, too! :bowdown::)
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I agree with Revell... I have "entertained" the idea of doing a scratch build.... but start getting headaches when I start thinking about the "wire frame" superstructure....
The original filming model was such a beauty. It took a long time to build and, like you said, the transparent pieces and delicate detailing of the framework were absolutely stunning. The ship was supposed to resemble a gothic cathedral. A similar approach was made for "Event Horizon" (which "borrowed" a lot from the spooky house elements and the premise of the Disney movie). Two complete models were built: One for regular filming (which ended up in a museum IIRC) and one which was built exactly like the first one BUT which was constructed only to be deliberately (!) destroyed for the scenes at the end of the movie. Here is a link to an indepth article on the making of the movie:


The makers even went above the Dykstraflex camera and created the matte scan procedure which allowed film makers to animate painted backgrounds by moving the camera parallel to the canvas without losing the crispness of the image. So "TBH" set the bar higher for visual effects which makes for the following "evolution":

1. Forbidden Planet
2. Lost In Space / Star Trek (huge detailed model work)
3. Space 1999 (and everything that involved Brian Johnson at that time: sophisticated model work)
4. STAR WARS (pre-ILM; nothing much to say here except, we all love Johnny :cool:)
5. Battlestar Galactica / Buck Rogers (APOGEE & Universal In-House-VFX by Hartland, much more improved and refined Star Wars techniques and experimental approaches: the TIE Fighter were supposed to do pin-wheels but they couldn't; the Cylon Raiders DID! ;) ; Buck featured the first metallic reflections seen on a model without suffering from blue spill!)
6. The Black Hole (Matte Scan --> In-House-VFX by Disney, not ILM, which makes the whole effort much more meaningful)
7. The Empire Strikes Back (ILM: sneakers in space... ;))

The slashes mark technological breakthroughs.

Ah well, these were the days..! :angelic:
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Well, the tools change but the art itself remains. It just becomes different. Like the difference between a hand-painted portrait and a digital photography. It still requires a creative mind to compose and produce (= tell the program what to do) these images.
While I agree in principle I still maintain that one is not a musician unless you play an instrument. So, (My opinion :)) programmed "music" i.e.: no musos involved it does not qualify as music and the person who made it is not a musician. It's programmed so that person is a programmer. Ergo, our ears should not be abused & insulted by this "music"! (Disclaimer, this is my opinion, you're welcome to disagree & if you listen to that stuff don't take my comments personally ;))
I disagree:). In VFX musician is the same just playing on different instrument that alows him to do some things faster and easier.

Well, music comparison is not ideal, because programmed music can not be consider as technical improvement but as another kind of music. And will never replace musician and his wooden/metal instrument:)

It is like to say programer is not a real programer if he does not code in "O" and "1":).