Wanna enter a real tank?

Two Pattons (M-46 and M-60) will be added to the museum - from Greece :)



Translation of an article from Polish press
I imagine Greece may have s huge Soviet era hovercraft, and a bunch of other stuff for sale too! :)
The renowated Sd. Kfz 6 has taken part in historical inscenization "Pomorze '39".


More photos under the link :)

Also I added another photo of the 'Patton' tanks in the post above :)
The Sd. Kfz 6 has always baffled me. It offered virtually no protection for it's troop! I have seen so many pictures of decimated troops on those things. The could sure haul a lot though. I think the seats were an after thought! :)
It was supposed to haul heavy artillery piece, and carry the gunners and ammo for the gun (under the seats).

If used for transporting soldiers they dismounted far from the frontline because of what you just wrote :)
The Pattons were today ceremoniously transferred from Greek into Polish hands :)
The tanks were given for free - the only costs are of transport.


29th of September there will be open day at the museum and presentation of Sdkfz-6 and both Pattons in movement. I have to see that :)
Why that was might nice of the Greeks, and the polish have my admiration for many reasons, this just adds to it! :)
A day in Poznan (not mine) - there are some tanks visited too :)

Thanks for taking the time to post all of those. Being a "treadhead" model builder only, I can appreciate them all.

One of the early lessons that I learned early on in the Marine Corps as a Recon Marine was to stay as far away from anything armor plated as possible. Those things draw fire like crazy! sign1
The Museum at the moment works on two main projects:

Restoring an old polish TKS tankette which was found on a farm in Norway (only lower part of hull), which is in an incredibly bad shape, almost rusted away into oblivion.


The state is so bad it was necessary to dismantle it to the last screw:


You can find many photos here:
- The beginning
- Lustration
- Cleaning the tracks
- Left side dismantled
- The hull (the white signs mark places that need welding)
- Hull fully dismantled into pieces

I am very interested in this rebuild - several years ago I restarted my papermodelling hobby by building a model of TKS variant with 20mm gun by Satoshi Yoshioka. It's in 1:72 scale and there are four of them on the printout A4 page. I've butchered the first one, made second passable, and in the third (on the picture), canibalizing parts from the fourth - I've made the tracks - on the original they are only a drawing on the side. I perceive it as perfect model to start modelling in paper.


And the second work is reviving into a fully operational condition a heavy tank IS-2 - here you can see how they started it off. (Really it's worth watching! :) )
You can find pictures from working on it here and here.

And in the meanwhile from the river Warta there was retrieved another tank - British production Valentine IX - one of about 2000 given to Russian. It fell through ice while trying to traverse the frozen river in 1945.

It is in amazingly good state:


lehcyfer, GRACIAS por mostrarnos este museo y en verdad es la primera vez que veo a este tanque en movimiento, Felices fiestas!
Amazing what you can dig up there. Where I live, you might, but not likely, find a canon ball from the American Revolutionary War, but you will never poke a stick into the ground and find a Tank someone forgot about! A testament to the suffering Poland endured. The Turret on that T-34 looks huge pointing in that direction in relation to the rest of the tank.

I read in the article that they moved quickly to recover it, to prevent looting. I think that happens everywhere. That tank would bring in a lot of money just for the scrap value! It would make a great playground object, especially if you had some people playing with paintball guns. Make the tank able to shoot a 4 lb. paint ball to splash out 20 guys at a time. With our economy in a shambles, I have posted the next generation of tanks coming down the line. :)

A propos digging things up ;) - remnants of a german armored vehicle found in a garden in Poznan:

A lady phoned the custodian of the museum "I have a tank in my garden" :)
They thought it was a T-34 or other russian vehicle, but to a great surprise there was front wall with the gun - of a tank destroyer Jagdpazer IV

And a movie from extracting the T-34/85 tank from the proving ground: