Wad Cutters Piper Cub J3


New Member
Mar 18, 2012
Pacifica, Ca.
Well here they are not that I'm proud of it. This is my first model. I learned a lot fro them. I will do the Cub again when I am better and I find a better model. I want to thank Jr, willygoat and everyone that helped me in one way or another. wc


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That's your first paper model?!? Dude, I don't know why I had not caught that but that is great. I'm not just saying that either. You went thru a baptism of fire, which isn't good, due to the paper and general well being. Great job! What's next? If you let us know, we may be able to give some suggestions of what to get, and more than likely Free. If you are into Sci-Fi, there's almost everything! :)
Piper Cub

Thank you Mauther and Zathros for the kind words. Coming from two who I consider legends in card stock modeling and modelers, this means a lot to me. I have seen what others such as yourselves have done and I look one your works with envy wishing I could do the same one day. This is a very demanding hobby but at the same time extremely relaxing and gratifying. I know all the imperfections with the two cubs so I must strive to do better. So when I watch two master like yourselves I learn a lot Believe me, your words are not lost nor are your instructions. Right now I am as they say, between models. I'm looking for another airplane with a detailed cockpit. I'm picky so there is a problem. Mauther you have so many beautiful buildings and vetches. A friend gave me an idea of a L-4 with lots of detail. I might order it this weekend. Not sire yet. Thank you bother for your very kind words. waddy.
There must be another zathros out there. Mauther is a pillerstone of the modeling world. A shining example to all. I really should not be included in the same sentence with someone of his magnitude in modeling, and benevolence.

Try this site:

http://www.modele-kartonowe.com/ The have some free models that will blow your mind!

These planes are excellent, they have cockpits, you could easily bring the level of detail up yourself the phrase, Do pobrania w formacie pdf instrukcja i model is the whole model, plus intsructions:



This plane is daunting, make sure you scroll down to get the parts:


Then, there's this site, again all FREE, which has some beautifully executed models :


That should keep you busy, if you check them out. You have to really download these models, to understand what they are but. The small descriptions and thumbnail pictures do no justice. :)

Get going!!:drag1:
I found a Piper L-4H Cub at Orlik that look OMG!. Cost only a few bucks. I sent them a request for information. I'm waiting for a reply. I have a Duck and a Beaver that might keep me busy until then. I hate being without a model and I have so many on my hard drive but your always looking for just that one. Know what I mean. I do have a PBY I could start. Maybe that one. Hell I don't know. Thank for your help, advise and kind words. Your both masters at what you do and I envy so very much. Thank you my friends. waddy
Every last one of them. Some really great and beautiful models there. Every one of them a killer. But not the one I'm looking for. Sorry. Don't give up on me. Ok?
Next New Model

I revisited those site and found two that looked interesting. The Spitfire and 3 engine German seaplane in the http://gahm.deds.nl/index.htm# site.
No matter which plane I picked the Spitfire came up and wasn't complete. And now wife Susan would like the lawn mowed so there goes today by the time that's all done. Any ideas? Sorry to be so picky. waddy
For these being your first models, You have done a FANTASTIC job on them.
Everything looks very clean and crisp. I can not see nay flaws at all.

I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.
There is a redirect at his site, I have informed him. It is good you brought this Waddy, occasionally, people do this to people's sites. I have sent him an e-mail, and should know soon. Fingers crossed, I downloaded all these models when I had the chance. I always tell people, download models, if you just think they are interesting, download them, before they disappear! :)