vintage bus/truck

The idea of having these models being mounted around the world has always inspired me.
On the other hand, many people would like to see old models that were part of a story, even if personal. There is always someone asking me to build any model to have in the collection. They are not modelers, but collectors.

I spent many time with it, but the result is always a big smile and a huge satisfaction for them. They are very individual and I put some on a page "ACOMPANHE NOSSA BANCADA - track our bench" on my site. In fact I do several models at the same time, so it takes a while to complete.

I thank the idea of creating a specific section, but I believe it is not necessary. This conversation would rather be moved to appropriate forum if you prefer.
You can do whatever you wish here. Including putting the link to your Blog back in your signature. ;);)
That bus is interesting and beautiful. After reading zathros' tribute to RonaldoM, and seeing his work, this hobby is lucky to have someone of that caliber.
Thank you Mark ! the hobby community encourage me to create some news models. Lately I've been working on ordering models, but i want to get back to my projets as soon as possible
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Ronaldo is a personal hero to me. He documents his country's vehivcular history with good sense of pride. He has a lot of other models that you really don't see anywhere else. These are the kind of models that really stick out. Soome very colorful. That Ice Cream truck he has is just like the one the passed through every neighborhood I grew up in. ;)
Thank you Zathros, Maybe, we can tell about us by using collectibles. It seems to me a nice idea create them
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Renaldo you did a fantastic job on the vintage bus and the ice cream truck. I've downloaded both to build. Thank you for the downloads.
Thank you Zathros, Maybe, we can tell about us by using collectibles. It seems to me a nice idea create them

Definately. Have you ever though of sending models you make to a cultural heritage department of Brazil? I bet some museum somewhere would have much interest in displaying them. :)
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