uploading to gallery - please read

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cg admin

Aug 1, 2008
hi all,

regarding the problem of users having issues uploading to the gallery. can you please advise them that unfortunately, the file size needs to be smaller than 2MB (due to the scripts on the server only allowing for that maximum size).

also, if they upload multiple images, they may need to do it in stages, to account for this too.

the file size is still big, so should still allow for fairly decent sized images, and doing it in stages should allow for the uploads to run smoothly.

can the mods/supermods etc keep an eye out though for anyone still having issues, and report the problem in this board, with the users name and any other info as necessary, and we'll look into them on an individual basis.

many thanks :)

thanks :)

if he uploads too many at a time, the script will just fail. its been set to the 2MB to make sure the server isnt swamped, but should be ok if he uploads less at a time. (its a pain, but should work)

Upload file limits

Ladies and gentlemen,

The UPLOAD File limit has been increased substantially. Those of you who wish to upload hi-res models are now able to do so.
Granted, the administrative staff still have to review and approve these uploads, but you will no longer have to have the administration upload large files anymore.

If you have any problems (or questions), please contact me (the administrator) or one of the moderators, and we will do what we can to assist.

Rhaven Blaack
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